Shadows under Malbork (Void) - Part II

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In the grand hall, the air fills with anticipation and tension as Máterum positions himself in his chair, his posture upright and his gaze penetrating. Then, he begins to speak. - "I have gathered you here today, for we will embark on a mission against the renegade gods at dawn. And each one of you will play a crucial role in our victory." - He pauses, allowing his words to echo through the hall, while the gods' gazes cross, some with determination, others with a hint of apprehension. - "However, let me warn you that not all of you will go to Zaranler with me. Some will stay here to protect the castle from a possible surprise attack by the renegade gods."

Dynes, restless, drums her fingers on the table, her curiosity palpable in the silent room. - "And who will go with you to Zaranler?" - she asks, her voice tinged with curiosity mixed with subtle anxiety.

- "Yes. Muntera, Moam, Toihid, Córpulus, and Ézus," - Máterum announces, enumerating the names confidently. His gaze scans the face of each chosen god, as if reinforcing the importance of their role.

A heavy silence falls over the room, broken only by the sound of a chair moving. Báron, a mix of surprise and disappointment, leans slightly forward, his features reflecting an internal conflict. - "I'm not going?" - His voice, usually calm, carries a touch of disbelief and a slight trace of defiance. He looks directly at Máterum, seeking an explanation, while the other gods cast curious glances in his direction, sensing the rising tension in the air.

- "Báron, you are my best warrior, therefore, you are the most suitable to stay and defend Malbork."

Incredulous, Báron contests. - "I cannot understand, Father. My skills are more needed on the battlefield. Why ask me to stay here? Let someone else take my place!" - His voice is firm, but his gaze reveals a search for answers, a silent plea to understand the logic behind Máterum's choice.

As Báron expresses his frustration and disagreement with the selection of gods going to Zaranler, I feel a complex mix of emotions forming within everyone. On one hand, understanding Báron's frustration and his desire to be present in the battle. After all, Báron, known as the best warrior of Marum, would be of great value on the battlefield.

The room, until then filled with a subdued murmur, is now in an expectant silence. The gods' eyes turn to Báron, each pondering the seriousness of his objection. His words are not just those of a warrior wishing to fight, but rather of a leader questioning the war strategy.

I feel uncomfortable seeing the shadow of uncertainty spreading among the gods. Thoughts like "If even Báron disagrees, something is not right" and "Is the selection for the attack well-made?" surround the table, feeding their own doubts.

Máterum, maintaining his calm and sovereign posture, responds in a benevolent tone. - "Báron, your value as a warrior is unquestionable, but your ability to lead and protect is equally important. Malbork needs your strength here." - He pauses briefly, assessing Báron's reaction. And also capturing the doubtful thoughts of the gods. - "Nevertheless, if you are certain of your objection, I will leave Toihid in your place. What do you think?"

Báron, after a few moments of reflection, also realizes the doubts he has generated with his contestation. He knew that the leader of the gods had profound wisdom and always acted for the greater good of Marum. Feeling deep regret for disagreeing with Máterum's decision in front of everyone and thus generating uncertainties in the thoughts of the other gods, he inclines his head in a gesture of resigned acceptance. - "There is no need. I understand and respect your decision, Father. If you believe my presence here is crucial, so it shall be." - Concludes Báron, dispersing parts of the thoughts; then, looking at the stars in the sky. - "As you wish, Báron," - declares Máterum.

The Chronicles of Marum - The PrimordialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora