Hypernova - Part IV

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ACT V (Réslar)

Trapped and exhausted, I take shelter among the shadows of the immense sandstones. Each breath is a battle against agony, as the blood that flows from my wounds paints the sand a dark red. My bones, many fractured, scream for rest, but the will to survive is stronger.

Agonizingly, I fill my bag with sand, an additional weight that promises to be useful in an inevitable confrontation. - Either I stand up, or I'll die here - I think. Time is a luxury I don't have; every second lost is an invitation to death. I lean my trembling hands on the cold ground and drag myself, my back scraping against the rough wall of the stones.

With torturous steps, I advance, each movement a triumph of will over body. My mind is focused on a single mission: to find Lésnar. With every step, the reality of my situation hits me: I'm at the limit of my strength, and with each moment, death quietly approaches.

One step followed by another and another; until, finally, I leave the stone area, where I meet my end. The world around me becomes a blur, a distant and unreal landscape. The only real thing is the pain, the exhaustion, and the resolute refusal to surrender to the fate that pursues me.

Excruciating pain envelops my chest, as if every fiber of my being is being torn apart. My vision, blurry and unstable, oscillates between reality and darkness. Looking down, my heart tightens at the sight of the bloodstained stake, embedded in my back, adorned with strands of my red hair. The fall to my knees is more than physical; it's the weight of defeat, unbearable pain, and paralyzing fear.

- Did you really think you could lose me so easily? - The soulless creature mocks, his voice exuding sadistic pleasure as he removes the stake from my back. The sound of metal cutting flesh and the gush of blood that follows are almost as torturous as the physical pain. He laughs, a cruel and despicable laugh that echoes in my ears. - Your stakes were a nice pastime. I admit, you surprised me - he says, playing with the bloodstained stake and twining my hair around his fingers. - But I said you would pay for having pierced my beautiful abdomen. Didn't I? - His sarcastic smile growing. - Tell me, what will be your last lament? - He taunts, looking at me with a sarcastic smile, waiting for me to beg or cry.

I gather all the strength left in me to curse the creature. - I will kill you... Damn it... I swear... On the day of your death, I will be there to make sure you suffer like never before! - I promise with a voice full of hatred, swallowing the melancholy and tears, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing my pain.

My lips tighten, trying to contain my sorrowful feelings. - Lésnar, forgive me... I couldn't fulfill your last wish - my voice breaks, a murmur loaded with regret and remorse. My eyes fill with tears, but I refuse to let them fall, maintaining my dignity until the end.

The creature lets out a disdainful laugh, his twisted smile reflecting the evil in his heart. - Ah, so you plan to come back from the dead? What a joke! I'll be waiting.

Suddenly, she grabs my hair brutally, pulling my head back, exposing my vulnerable neck. Without hesitation, he cruelly plunges the bloodstained stake into my neck.

ACT VI (Réslar)

As the blade approached her neck, Réslar felt an overwhelming mix of anguish, despair, and fear. Her heart pounded uncontrollably, echoing in her ears like a sad drum. Each beat was a painful reminder of everything she was about to lose.

Her thoughts raced in a whirlwind of images and memories. Recalling the battles she fought, moments of joy, and the bonds of friendship she built. She remembered unfulfilled promises, unrealized dreams. A sense of resignation mixed with her fighting spirit, knowing her fate was sealed.

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