Shadows under Malbork (Void) - Part I

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As I enter the grand hall, a wave of anxiety takes hold of me.

I admire the architecture of the hall, with its caramel wood walls interlaced by ebony veins. I observe every detail, from the meticulous carvings to the way the light reflects on the polished surfaces, creating a spectacle of shadows and golden tones. Each of these details reminds me of the gods' majesty and the importance of this meeting.

In the center of the hall, the rectangular table dominates the space. The empty chair of Máterum, in the place of honor, seems to pulse with an energy that transcends the physical, as if the very air around it vibrated with the invisible power of the Primordial. To the right and left, the chairs of Báron and Muntera, respectively, indicate the celestial hierarchy. Each seat occupied by the gods reflects their position and importance: Térax, Toihid, an empty chair, and Ézus next to Muntera; Korla, Dynes, Córpulus, and finally, the chair that awaits me, next to Báron.

Behind the table, the corridor leading to the gods' chambers, except for those of Báron, Muntera, and Máterum, which are on the upper floors. On the other side of the hall, an imposing entrance gate stands out.

Sitting down at the table, my eyes drift to the unfinished ceiling, where through the gaps in the exposed beams, I glimpse the celestial spectacle of the night. Twinkling stars dot the dark sky like bright diamonds, while the full Gáilus sheds a soft, silvery light over us all. It's as if the very stars themselves were witnessing our meeting.

Returning my eyes to the table, I analyze some of the gods present at the meeting:

I start with Córpulus, nicknamed the Titan, a reference to his immense height that even surpasses that of Máterum and the other gods. He emanates a dominant presence, capable of commanding respect and admiration from all around him. His tremendous strength and extreme resilience are legendary, making him one of the most formidable among the gods.

His black body, abusively tall and robust, is a true manifestation of power. His long and muscular arms could easily be mistaken for tree trunks, capable of carrying extraordinary weights. His toned legs, with thick thighs and defined calves, are said to be able to crumble rocks with a single kick.

Córpulus's face is marked by deep features: dark brown eyes, a wide nose, and thick lips that contract into a thin line, denoting his seriousness, highlighted by his short, dark hair, his square chin, and his large, slightly circular ears.

However, the real highlight is his invulnerability, with skin as hard as arcririan crystal, which no common blow can penetrate, requiring a divine weapon or of arcriris, or zérum, to cause him significant damage. It's as if an invisible shield protects him from any physical threat, highlighting his invulnerability.

Every movement of Córpulus is observed in respectful silence by those present. An ebony statue whose simple act of sitting at the table seems to defy the laws of physics. He personifies physical majesty and titanic strength, making him on the battlefield the Ebony Goliath of the gods of Máterum.

Shifting my focus as I notice Báron joining the table. - It's the first time I've seen him since my arrival in Malbork - I think, absorbed in his persona.

His entrance is not marked by fanfare, but on the contrary, there is an almost imperceptible elegance in his steps.

His presence causes a subtle realignment in the dynamics of the hall. Glances turn towards him, as if the air around him carried a weight that forces everyone to pay attention.

I observe every detail of Báron with an admiration that borders on veneration. His eyes are like a hypnotizing duet, like a night sky in contrast with a vivid aurora. The left eye is an abyss of darkness, absorbing all light and attention, while the right is a violet mystery.

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