Primordial Era - Part IV

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For months on end, the renegade gods persisted in their attempts to create, each effort ending in failure but fueling their determination even more. Frustration was evident in their gestures, each failed attempt leaving them more resolute.

It was then that a memory surfaced, lighting the way with a spark of inspiration. They remembered the first gift they had given to Máterum and the alterations he had made. This memory brought new vigor to the group. - Let's use this as our foundation - proposed Zilevo, with a beam of inspiration in his eyes directed at the voluminous Sun.

Again, the renegade gods unified their powers, but this time with renewed focus. They concentrated intensely, their energies intertwining into a single creation. Slowly, they began to shape a new form of life, one that would cover the planet of Zaranler with a green mantle.

As trees, flowers, fruits, and vegetables began to sprout across the planet, a sense of ecstasy ran through the group. Their faces lit up with smiles of accomplishment, and exclamations of joy and admiration filled the air. The green life emerged as a testimony to their union and skill, covering the arid soil of Zaranler with an explosion of life.

Each new leaf, each blooming flower was a celebration of their creativity. The renegade gods, looking at the splendor of the green life they had created, felt immense pride. They had succeeded, against all odds, in taking a significant step towards asserting their own identity and creative power.

The creation of green life on Zaranler was, without a doubt, a breathtaking spectacle, and its creators watched in wonder. The lush forests and flowered fields were a vision of pure enchantment, but the renegade gods knew that their ultimate goal was still beyond their reach. They longed for the creation of a new god, a being spawned from the very essence of green life.

In the years that followed, the gods waited patiently, their eyes scanning the vastness of Zaranler, looking for signs of a new divinity. Each year that passed without the emergence of a new god, doubt began to set in. Tanri, with a thoughtful expression, voiced the group's growing concern. - Perhaps, our creations do not generate gods, like those of Máterum - he pondered, his voice tinged with disappointment. The other gods shared uncertain looks, discouragement beginning to weigh on their hearts.

However, exactly on the seventh day of the year following the creation of green life, when hope seemed to be fading, a miracle occurred. From the depths of the forests of Zaranler, emerged Bucu, the first god created by the gods themselves.

The renegade gods, witnessing the emergence of Bucu, felt a wave of relief flood their beings. They approached with admiration, observing the divine figure they had generated. Their eyes shone with happiness, and exclamations of wonder and gratitude echoed through the air. Bucu's presence was living proof that, despite all adversities, they had managed to achieve the unimaginable.


While the renegade gods experienced their rise and discoveries in Zaranler, Máterum, in his domain, faced his own internal conflicts. He wandered the corridors of his divine abode. His steps were slow and thoughtful, as if each movement was accompanied by a deep and melancholic thought.

Máterum, in his search for his children, revealed a complex expression, where the hope of finding them intertwined with the uncertainty of their true intentions. Sometimes, he would stop and look at the horizon, his divine eyes penetrating the vastness of space in search of any sign of his rebellious children. There were moments when his figure seemed to waver, as if the doubt about the sincerity of his search haunted him.

At other times, Máterum seemed lost in reflections, questioning whether his search was genuine or just a way to deceive himself, to believe in a return that, deep down, he knew was unlikely. His gaze became distant, lost in thoughts of a possible reunion, of a reunified home, interrupted only by the reality of the present situation.

This ambivalence was visible in his expressions and gestures. There was an underlying sadness in his search, an implicit acknowledgment that the bonds that once united them were now deeply strained. Máterum, the Universe, the divine creator, the father of the gods, now found himself confronted with the possibility that his children might never return to the home he had created for them.


The birth of Bucu represented a crucial turning point in the divine saga. For Máterum, the news of the emergence of this new god, the fruit of his children's rebellion, was like a brutal blow to his last hopes of reconciliation. The revelation shattered his illusions, replacing them with overwhelming fury.

Máterum, feeling the pulsating energy of Bucu's birth, was consumed by intense anger, an emotion so strong that it overshadowed any trace of reason. In a state of blind rage, he resorted to his telepathic powers, his voice resonating in the mind of each of the renegade gods. - All gods must return immediately to Primárium and sentence Bucu in my presence. Only then will they obtain forgiveness! - His message was an ultimatum, the order of an angry father, challenging the authority and autonomy of his children.

The renegade gods, upon receiving Máterum's message, felt a shock of indignation. Their expressions hardened, and a feeling of defiance grew among them. Far from complying with Máterum's demand, they chose the path of resistance. - No! - They declared in unison, a collective voice of rebellion. - We will not obey. We declare war against the Universe and all the gods who remain by his side. - Their statement was firm, marked by a fierce revolt to fight for their freedom and for the protection of Bucu.

This decision triggered a series of events that would lead to a great war, a battle that would extend for millennia.

Máterum, realizing the total rejection of his children, felt the pain. His eyes, which previously showed deep sadness, were now forced to assume the seriousness of a leader about to enter a war he never wished for, but was obliged to wage.

Marum prepared for an epic confrontation, and the tension spread like a wildfire through his roots. The approaching war promised to be long and brutal, with countless deaths and lamentations marking the future of divine history.

The Chronicles of Marum - The PrimordialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora