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Jenny, Eunbyul, Minhyuk and Seokkyung stayed back when school ended to talk with Bae Rona.
Seokkyung: Rona
Rona: Yes
Minhyuk: We heard that you and y/n used to be childhood friends.
Rona: When did you hear about
Jenny: y/n Aka Ha Y/n
Rona: Y/n ?! Is that why she hates me now ?
Minhyuk: Yes
Jenny: Yeah and what kind of childhood friend would plot against their own friend. Also, Y/n's mom and dad are gone from her life. She was depressed and lonely. All you cared about is your friend that you were with.
Rona: I didn't think that her mom and dad will passed away.
Seokkyung: Her mom and dad passed away because of the car accident that your friend caused to make y/n not be herself.
Rona: Her mom and dad got into a car accident?! I really want to talk with y/n
Eunbyul: no and I can't believe you did that to her. Please leave my sister alone until she is back to herself. Since she is with Seokhoon.
Rona: ok
Seokkyung: Rona, why would you betray y/n like that.
Rona: It's cause she has everything that I don't have
Seokkyung: It seems like someone is jealous and please stop bothering y/n for now. She'll come around to you when she is fully ready.
Minhyuk: Yeah
Jenny: Yeah and ready to go to our meet up spot today
Seokkyung: seokhoon oppa texted me
Eunbyul: I'm actually getting sick of bae Rona hurting my sister
Jenny: yeah
Seokkyung: sorry Rona but we have to go cause y/n and Seokhoon are waiting for us
Rona: Ok and bye *starts walking straight to the cafe where y/n is*

Will y/n forgive Rona or just leave Rona on her own?

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