Flawless - 23 Jan

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Until now, I was about to make a flawless man like Augustus Waters and many more. I have heard they are all written by women. Now I'll write about a flawed man because I want him to be real and not just fictional. When I discussed this with him about this fictional person, he said he felt like he was on a pedestal because he could never match that, which is true and not just him. People like me who love living in this delusional world. They need some reality to keep them grounded, sane, and accepting people as they are instead of what they think they are or should be.
So no longer will my man be perfect; he will be imperfect but real. So when I do end up getting what I need one day,?
My flawed man, who fumbles a lot and uses a lot of fillers, is confident yet shy at times, confused but considerate and kind. Who is good at writing but can't express himself verbally. He loves and adores me but can't seem to accept or approach his fate. It's okay, baby. We will wait until the D day, when you give up the fear of losing me and gain my whole being.

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