
11 1 1

30 January

Today was a good day. The picture above is the moon I saw today it was blue
I felt God was with me all day, protecting me.
I was in immense pain from cramps and backaches.
Yesterday I cried like a hopeless person and prayed to God for some help in order to survive my working day tomorrow, and it did work; the pressure was less. I am happy and grateful for everything God has provided me today. I really wish to get the courage to be fit and lose some weight each month in order to achieve my fitness goals and stop all my pills. Live a healthy life. Thank you, God, for all your support and love. I spent time with myself, listening to music and walking by myself. I met my five people all together, one by one, some of whom I stumbled upon and others who texted me. One is my constant Bhaast friend and my cute bhabhi bhai, to check in on their emotional well-being since their big loss of losing a family member.

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