21st May Social Detox Day 1

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Social Detox Day 1

I had planned for at least a half day, and I did it.

11 a.m. to 7 p.m. with no phone
And now I replied to one friend.
Journaling is now at 7.24.

I had planned to not talk as well.
But my mom is an exception.
We didn't talk much, though.
She respected my decision.
just the necessary talks
Like food and her plan
I responded by nodding most of the time.

I could see her struggling a little with that.
But she was happier knowing
I am alright.
I slept for 8 hours.
I read a few pages of a book written by Kiran Sir.
and did my journaling.
I meditated and dozed off a little too.
I watched series 4-5 episodes while eating my first and second meals.
and the Madame Webb movie on my third meal

I'll do my physiotherapy now.
Later, go for a walk or just go moongazing.
Depending on my back
Then go back home and sleep.

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