The crew of the sunset wind pt 1

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Rea Canelis-Tidestrider
(age 25. Birthday: December 13th. Current residence of the Sunset Wind [pirate ship])
Exterior: Her hair is a pretty aqua blue. She gets this from her dad who is a full-blooded triton, though she has dyed it a dark brown, almost ebony Her eyes are a heterochromatic green and blue, the green from the dweller's blood, the blue from the Triton blood. She has warm toffee-colored skin from the dweller's heritage. Her fingers are thin and gentle but have calluses mostly from using her blades so often. She has two white markings from the blessing of the deep. Similar to Gilion's coral they light up when she uses her magic. This is her makings as Triton even though she doesn't look like it. The way her hair is braided is a simple yet ancient way of Tritons. She's 5'5.
Clothes: She wears a white pirate shirt and a black corset with gold accents. Her pants are dark brown and tied at her ankles. The ties are dark blue. Her boots are dark brown with silver and light pink accents. She wears three bracelets on each wrist. They represent the vines she can use to swing places. She wears a light teal choker from her little brother. And she wears a dark green jacket, a jacket of holding. She wears a hat that is a large floppy hemmed pirate hat with white accents and a large red feather on it.
Other extras: She has sharper teeth than regular Tritons. She can breathe underwater for 8.5 hours before she needs air. When wet she gets little patches of green or blue scales on her skin and her marks glow slighty, so she wears her hat almost 24/7 becaue of the light blue color of her root. She doesn't know how to admit that she is a triton, not even Ari knows. Her coat goes to about the middle of her shins. It's a warm forest green with bits of silver lining the edges. (This is her jacket with her bag of holding sewn into it.) An outer pocket houses a pocket watch with white numerals in primordial inscribed along the surface. The face of this clock is blue and has little moons and planets inscribed helping the girl keep the time and date. It clicks open and on the inside is a picture of her family, and on the other side, is a picture of their crew.
Personality: she is a sleepy and exhausted person who is often too tired to care. She does yell sometimes, often when she is enraged or when she wins a game like chess. Other than that she is often a scared person though she is weary of any Tieflings.
Backstory: Ry comes from the deep caves of Oratha. She comes from a small family and barely remembers anyone besides her family. Growing up she and her siblings, Gloria and Kai were outcasts and often not allowed to play with other children. Ry spent most of her life inside studying books and creating art of what she thought life outside the caves was like.

Mom: Lyra Canelis. Half Cave-dweller. Wind mage. Deceased at age 47. She taught Ry Abyssal.
Dad: Tyreus Tidestider. Age 73. Exiled for marrying a Cave-dweller. Often sends dolphin mail to Finn, as he is Finn's brother.

Gloria Canelis: She looks like a Triton with tan, human-colored skin. Wind mage. Deceased Age 12.
Kai Canelis: Age 17. Looks like a full-blooded cave dweller. Knows Abyssal and thieves cant from his sister. He is currently trying to open a market stall in Enigma City. All he wants is to be with his sister but he can't find her.
Finn Tidestrider: Uncle. He taught her all of the other languages. They often talk in abyssal. He doesn't like when people flirt with her. He loves the way her eyes light up when she laughs.
Gillion Tidestrider: He didn't know her when she grew up, mainly because she grew up on land, and he grew up in their palace being trained to be the champion. She often cares for his wounds.
Jay Ferin: Love interest. Jay is super protective of her but still lets her have freedom. Ry often braids jays hair when they are just chilling.

Koda is a fluffy white dog who has grown up with Ry he is and will always be the one who makes sure she eats enough, he is quite the Sentry without being dangerous to those who won't hurt his crew.

Arianna Taivas Zephorena
Age: 23
Height: 5'7 (Her wings arch up a foot above her head while they are folded, and fully extended they are about twice the size of her.)
Looks: Very fair skin tone and softer features, with creamy marshmallow-colored hair that's more blonde on the top and white at the bottom. Her hair flows down her head, but typically she keeps it pulled up tight and out of her face. (She lets it down when she sleeps.) Her wings are that same shade, with blonde tips like golden rays of sunlight. Apart from a few scars along her arms and face from fights she won't talk about, she is relatively unblemished. She has baby blue eyes with a ring of gold around her pupils. In intense situations, her pupils also narrow like a hawks to focus in. (She has very good eyesight.) Her wings are like giant blankets, brushing the ground while they are folded up. (They are also very warm, so she doesn't do so well in the hot but is really good in the cold.) Her magic is a glowing golden orange that manifests as starry dots along her white wings. Her eyes glow this same color, the blue being replaced with amber. She can shoot out these feathers to do a multitude of different things, but usually, she uses them to bend the air pressure around her so she zooms forward at unnatural speeds. (Bro imagine what that looks like in the dark- just a flame in the dark like a will-o-wisp.)
Clothes: She usually keeps her hair in a tight braid, tied with a blue ribbon. She wears a white ruffled cotton shirt (similar to Jay's) with a white lace ascot with a gemstone that matches her eyes. She wears a navy pirate coat that's lined with gold buttons and small golden chains connecting the sides of the coat. This matches her navy pirate hat with gold flecks in the shape of feathers lining the underside of it. There is also a blue ribbon she sometimes uses to tie to her head so it doesn't go flying away. (She would rather go without the hat though.) She wears black boots that go up to her thighs with black pants and a black belt with a golden buckle. (And of course, heels on the boots. Because why worry about tripping when you can fly instead?) Her wings have multiple little ribbons and metal do-dads sprinkled about (like five different trinkets. Please don't imagine Jack Sparrow's hair. .p.) Brandished at her hip is a thin featherlight rapier, while the other side has a much fancier heavyweight greatsword.
Personality: Ari is quite literally a bird brain, and far too ignorant in conversation. She is also rather blunt and has nothing stopping her from saying the first thing that pops into her head. There's a level of charm in that, but it does make it hard to explain stuff to her without her immense ADHD kicking in and she gets sidetracked. The only time she can ever really focus is in the heat of battle, where she truly shines. Sometimes she can get lost in a fight, and end up going a little overboard. She is a fierce opponent to be reckoned with, which many oftentimes forget due to her thin demeanor. She is very light on her feet, and though she struggles at paying attention, she is excellent at problem-solving if it gets in between her and what she loves. She's great if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, though don't expect her to stay still for very long. Ry has tried multiple times to get Ari to teach her Sylvan, but it always ends in her learning one word before Ari flies away. She is also not very selfless, sometimes patronizing someone by the means of dueling. She will go all out and fight by herself, and isn't used to fighting with others. She tries not to make attachments, but has found herself gaining a deep relationship with those around her. This leads to some conflicts of interest, as she wants to be free and unburdened but can't stop herself from caring about those ar ound her. She doesn't understand why they care about her, as her life thus far hasn't really been one of acceptance or love.
Backstory: Ari wasn't always out on her own, though she hardly remembers anything before that. Deep-rooted in her memory, she was happy. She lived with the rest of her kind in a village atop the mountains of Allport. Up there, it's far too high for any normal species to survive, but her kind thrived up there. Her mother was kind to her, but apart from that, she doesn't remember much else. All she knows is that one day, she was traveling. Thrown on the streets without further explanation. Ever since then, she has had to deal with more than her fair share of dangerous foes that forced her to adapt and grow into her fighting prowess. She was discovered by the head of an underground fighting ring in the Dark Port. Here, she was pitted against all kinds of warriors and still she continued to survive. The battles only got more intense, and people bet more and more money on her. She became something of a favorite among the fighting ring, though she never saw any of that popularity. One day though, she was pitted against a fierce and unstable opponent. It was a long battle, many thought she would come out on top. It ended in her losing, while the owner of the ring lost all his money. He kicked her out, and she's been on the run ever since. She hadn't ever really had a reason to fight apart from the problems life constantly threw at her, so she remained airy. She traveled all over, gaining some sort of renown. It was difficult to survive without a ship, or anyone to back her up, but she managed. When she finally found Rea, she found more to live for than just surviving. She found friendship, adventure, and maybe even more about herself. But at the end of the day, all she wants is to visit the stars with Ry.
Actual Backstory (That Ari DOESN'T know.): Princess Arianna Taivas Zephorena disappeared when she was born, vanishing into thin air. Her name has become something of a legend, which all avians know whether they believe she exists or not. They say there was a demon in the palace that night, with obsidian skin and devious glowing green eyes. As absurd as the story sounds, the young princess was gone nonetheless. In a faraway village, a baby was dropped on a doorstep. The only remarkable features were that she had a black crescent moon on her ankle, with a tag that simply said Arianna gently tied around her wrist like an item in a store. The woman who had opened the door was suspicious but nonetheless had always wanted a child. So she raised her, and she grew up completely unaware of her previous life. However, one day when she was rather young, her fake mother suddenly became very frightened of her. In the middle of the night, Ari was abandoned on the streets of Allport. When she woke up, she was alone. Finding yourself with no company in the Hull of the World is not a good combination. She was forced to make some difficult choices for a child. She got involved with the wrong crowd a few times before she finally got fed up and left. She's been jumping from island to island since then. Her ability to win any battle was outstanding and far too unnatural for someone self-taught. She is good at managing her crew through the normal tasks of raising the sails and exploring a town. Ry struggles with mundane tasks, so Ari happily directs the crew in that regard. However, when battle rolls around, Ry has to fill in the leadership role as Ari goes kind of battle-crazy...
Age: 5 ½
Height: 2'3 from horns to tail tip.
Looks: A dainty, whip-thin young dragonling with a sunset blooming along his scales. Orange fading into a yellow, as faerie dragons gradually change colors through their age. Butterfly wings in a monarch pattern, with splotches of white and streaks of black dotting the rest of his scales. This similar wing shape is mimicked in a smaller fashion along the base and of the tail. A diamond shaped head with long thin horns, as well as antennae that end in fuzzy puffs. Stubby legs with sharp little talons, and pastel pink eyes with hints of silver. This little dragonling also has a thing gold chain around his slender neck, with a pendant that has the symbol of the Sunset Rose Pirates.
Personality: This rambunctious and hyper dragon usually stays curled up around the neck of Ari, who would do anything to protect the dainty little creature. He has a fiery stance at all times, ready to defend and attack any who dares challenge him. Typically he is frustrated at his small stature, wanting power and grace that is beyond him. He likes going out for flies with Ari, but tires out much quicker and has to be carried back [like a lil' baby. :)] He is huffy and needy, which translates to absolute adorable-ness. (He's just an angry butterfly worm.)
Backstory: Faerie dragons are guardians of strongholds and the like in the fey wild. They are never seen outside of their domain, and have immense magical power, albeit lazy beasts. They are protectors that usually require a riddle or some sort of immense trial to move past. Astraios, however, is not like that. This young dragon was separated from his own some time ago, and has been on his own. Being stranded in another dimension isn't too ideal, so his magic has a barrier of sorts, where he is unable to access it for any reason. (It's a mental block, something to overcome and get used to later in the story.) Ari shares a deep connection with Astraios, treating him like a family member. He adores her and tries his best to protect her, but can't get very far. (She calls him Az, for short.) He is physically much stronger than other faerie dragons, since he's had to adapt to a lack of magic. But he is still only a dragonling, yet to grow and come into his own.

Dallas Penney
Age: 20
Height: 6'2
Looks: With bright blue eyes, wavy dark coppery brown hair, and tanned skin, you'd think he was a well-seasoned traveler, but no. He'd rather stay in one place and make lots of notes on everything that lives in the Isles of Ire. You can kinda see the tips of his pointed ears between his long hair. His baggy clothes hide his thin frame. Baggy short-sleeve white cotton shirt tucked into his brown cotton pants. (He might as well be a nerdy Chip. XD) This half-elf loves reading old tomes or drawing all the different travelers that he sees. He found interest in the crew of the Sunset Wind and has been following them around. He has a quarterstaff that he forgets is on his back, and thin gold wire glasses he used to read.
Personality: He's just a big nerd- socially awkward but willing to help. He makes the healing potions for the group and has more medical knowledge than the whole group combined. He mostly gets distracted drawing travelers, so he has to be told instructions multiple times for him to understand. He does care for any friend he makes but has no filter, which he regrets most of the time after he said something too bluntly. (I like to think he and Ari have great conversations. XDD) He loves to read and learn everything about the world, and if he doesn't know something (which is rare) he goes into a small frenzy and starts researching on the topic and three other topics so he can handle the situation if it ever happens again.
I guess he sleeps in the crow's nest and builds himself a fort to read books all night. XDD
Backstory: When Dallas was younger, he would look out the window of his modest house and see all sorts of travelers, and he wanted to meet and know every one of them. He's always had a love for learning and would spend most winters reading while summers were spent meeting people, who were more or less uninterested in the small half-elf. One day when he was 11, he wanted to know the story of the giant he saw outside. The man swatted Dallas away, and little Dallas broke his wrist, causing him to learn how to write with his left hand. (He can use both at the same time now.) At least, Dallas wants to believe that story; That his early years were spent being a curious little kid who had no qualms or hardships. His early years were spent reading, but it was of lands far away, of city-crumbling wars, and of beasts that swallowed men whole. He was born in a dense forest that was secluded from the rest of the world, and when he spaces out, he can still see the trees whipping past him as he ran through the trees. The trees went from green to brown, then red and hot. The forest was burned down as Navy marshals tried to 'burn out the outlaws', simple people not wanting to pick a side. He ran, his tears smearing his ink drawings of his family. He ran, and he remembers the animals that followed him away from the flames; two wolves separated from their pack, a family of deer, an elegant dove, an owl, and an eagle. Even then, he knew that these animals were on opposite sides, and yet stayed together while fleeing. After that night, he hid in a wooden crate and woke up on a strange boat. He looks back, and when trying to draw the boat that saved him from the burning island, he draws it as a large warship made from dragon bones and avian feathers without a mast. There was a large crew, all of them not looking quite human or elf wearing tribal clothes without shoes, and a symbol on the side of the ship that Dallas found odd- a lion cub roaring without any teeth. One of them, the captain, beat a deafening drum and the rest of the people would row in time to the beats. He also recalls an odd constellation of an eye looking down on the ship before he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was resting peacefully on the sandy beach of the Isles of Ire, the boat nowhere to be seen.
He has since been drawing to keep those memories alive and was always ambidextrous.

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