Reas pov

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I shook my head. Ari was too adventurous for her own good. I'm going to have to heal both of them, aren't I? I watched, having gone back to sit near James, Kaleb, and Dallas. I perched myself on the barrel I had been using as a chair, pulling a warm cup of coffee out. I also pulled my notebook out noticing that Dallas had his out as well. I began to draw Gillion, along with the girl I'd seen and Chip. It was a bit of a habit I had, and not one so easily received, and yet I continued to sketch and draw.
They were standing in front of a ship which I would assume was the "Millennium Chipper." I was pretty sure that that was not what it was called but I guess I'd go with it. I jolted as a CHING! rang out in the air, and looked up to see Ari was evenly matched with Gillion as their blades connected for the third or fourth time. Ari's sword fighting was never direct when she used that sword, and when he went to meet her blade she pulled back at the last second. She slipped under his large sword, slashing across his chest. It crashed against his metal armor at the last second, missing his side only barely. He pumped his blade, just barely missing Ari's coat, and stood up as she twirled around to meet his blade with hers.
Gillion grunted, trying to overcome this obstacle. This went on for a while, with them trading blows and missing each other only just barely. With one swift motion, he suddenly knocked the thin sword out of her hand, and I watched it fling itself to the ground about 20 feet to our left. Ari's face lit up with shock, and she bounced back with a wide grin on her face. By this time, the two duelers had drawn the attention of those who lived in the town, and all of the passersby stopped to get a glance at them. I once again shook my head, turning away from the fight for a moment. Looking around I saw Kaleb and James enraptured in the fight, seeing as they loved watching Ari fight. They kept punching each other's shoulders. "Arianna's in a tough spot." James crowed at one point, while Kaleb scoffed. "Of course, she isn't! You've seen her fight before! She still has another sword." Dallas continued to scribble in his book as I made notes in mine.
"Do you yield?" Gillion raised his sword to Ari but did not press her. They stood, facing one another until Ari let out a spit of laughter. "Ha! You wish!" She opened her wings, sending dust flying as she raised into the sky. Gillion's eyes glowed with curiosity, as Ari took out her second sword. She's serious now. I looked over as Chip leaned against a wood support beam, a confident air about him. "That's a pretty cool trick." He shrugged. "It looks like you might lose, Gil~!" He taunted his friend, who gave him only a second's notice.
Ari dropped from the sky then, completely controlled. She charged at Gillion, who readied his sword for the frontal attack. He slashed out in front of him, hoping to hit Ari, and was struck in the back from the warrior herself. He coughed and lost balance, regaining it just in time to spin around and slash at the empty air behind him. She pumped her wings, escaping his range before he could realize. She had turned at the last minute and attacked his back, which was her goal from the start. Classic Ari. A smile grew on my face as I watched her do a quick 180 to press Gillion again. He looked down, then, as the battle had temporarily gone silent. "I'm not going to lose." He grunted to himself, so quiet it would've been impossible to hear. Everyone in the crowd stayed a ways back, watching with quiet eyes.
Time seemed to stand still, as the hum of magic filled the square. Gillion's circlet of coral lit up like candles in a dark window. It startled me, the sudden change in magical energy. This energy is crazy... It's kind of like... Oh crap. I abruptly closed my notebook. I had to stop this. I didn't know exactly what that was, but from the sudden fluctuation of magic, it was not gonna be fun.
I stood up quickly, just as Gil's eyes lit up, and quite literally this time. A blue hue surrounded him, with the crackle of lightning and a burst of cold energy.
"Worried about your friend?" Chip popped up behind me, a smug expression on his face. "Maybe I should've bet something beforehand so that it would've been easy money." He shrugged as I tried my best to ignore him. This guy is not helping.
"Ari!" I desperately tried to warn my friend, already knowing it was pointless. She's caught up in the heat of the battle by now and wouldn't listen to anyone. She swooped down, folding her wings in an arrow shape as she dropped from the sky. I saw both of them tense, as Gillion raised his sword. Ari looked ready for the blow, and at the last second, she lunged out of the way again, hitting him in the back.
But I saw that look, Gillion totally anticipated it. He ducked, both of them locking eyes, then circling to face her directly behind him. He had a determined look on his face, and in an all too swift moment, he brought his sword down. For a second, I thought it wouldn't do anything. Everything seemed to freeze, those two battle-crazed warriors beamed at one another with confidence and respect. And then, the sword grazed Ari's arm. A blast of cold hit my face as Ari shot backward, flying into some sort of stall. A wizz of sound as she was sent back, the shockwave rumbling the ground for a moment. Lightning crackled between them, arching off her and shooting into nearby buildings. It was almost like a flashbang went off, and all that was left was this blue lightning. Gillion lowered his sword, straightening his posture, and returned to normal.
Just a moment ago he looked like a demon, and now he was collected once again. The immense magical energy I had felt just a moment ago was gone, sinking below the surface. He can just call on such raw power that quickly? He looked relatively satisfied that the battle was over but still didn't drop his prepared stance. "Ari?!" I rushed over to where she had landed, a slight cloud of dirt picking up. When I got there, the dust had settled, and instead of seeing the broken figure of my friend, I saw her already struggling to get upright, her gaze trained on Gillion like a true hunter. Oh no-
She flapped her wings, ice breaking off of them and shattering like confetti. She gripped the splintered wood, cracking it even more. Blood dripped off her arm, a nasty scar already forming.

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