Reas pov

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I was reading in my hammock when I heard a knock on the door, and Dallas walked in with a concerned look.
"Dallas? What's-"
"Sorry, Captain, but..." He fiddled with the small shell necklace. "Jay finally contacted us to ask about a curse... or something that afflicted their crewmember Gillion." I sat up quickly.
"Are they okay? Is Gill alright?"
"I'm not sure- well, they are alright now, but last night Gillion seemed to turn feral and attacked everyone. Jay said he seemed to turn into a sea monster, and felt bad about shooting Gillion to subdue him, since they didn't know it was him until morning."
"More feral than his fighting frenzy?" I asked before realizing it was more rude than intended.
"I would assume so, yes." He said, not noticing how harsh my earlier words were.
"So... do you think it's a curse, or..."
"It doesn't have any of the symptoms of any curse I've read of. For once- I'm stumped. ...I hate it." He muttered.
"Yes... Jay said Gillion changed so drastically and looked so animalistic that neither her nor Chip could recognise him." He said slowly, eyes unfocused and probably mentally going through every curse he knew.
"Could you draw it? The changes, I mean. That might help. Or-"
"...that could work. Hold on." He left briefly and came back with his sketchbook and a pencil. "I'll call Jay again. She didn't give me all the details, exactly." I sat back down in my hammock and watched as he muttered into the shell questions and sketched something quickly. Finally, he turned it toward me, and I froze, taking in every detail. Glowing eyes... long, unkept, and shaggy hair... sharp teeth...
"Yes, Captain? Do you know what this is?"
"Yes- Gillion is a werewolf." I said. From all the scrolls I read, werewolves are as dangerous as they are unpredictable. But... Can it even affect Tritons? Fish werewolves...
"Werewolf? Rea... are you sure? It's just an old folktale. Isn't it?"
"I-I don't think it's just a folktale anymore..." I said, fully looking at the terrifying image. "We should catch up with their ship, just to confirm this. If he is a werewolf... then..." I couldn't finish my sentence. Dallas nodded and left, probably to tell Ari to change course.

After almost a week, we finally found their ship. We met on the island _______, where after docking our ships, the first thing I noticed was a small boy... Ollie? Was jumpy when I asked about any other odd signs from Gillion.
"...nothing odd, Miss..." He looked at the ground after taking a quick look at Gillion.
"Nothing at all after that night?"
"No, Miss. C-Can I go now?" I nodded my head, and he rushed off onto his ship and below deck. What could have him so spooked...? I found and pulled Jay aside.
"...Can I ask what exactly happened?"
"What happened when Gil..." I spoke quieter. "When Gillion almost tore everything apart?"
"Gil didn't know what he was doing-!" Jay started, then spoke softly as well. "I don't believe it was Gil. He couldn't have done any of that if he knew where he was."
"But what happened? That kid Ollie didn't answer when I asked him what happened." Jay was quiet for a moment, looking at her crew.
"Gil... he was acting oddly during the day, then when the sun set, a sea beast attacked us, and he went off to fight it himself, then disappeared. The beast finally left us alone, then Gil jumped up on the deck as a monster. He attacked all of us... and he... He almost hurt Ollie. Somehow, old man Earl managed to knock him out, and in the morning, he was normal again."
I nodded, not sure what to say. ...then he really is cursed to be a werewolf... "Um, Jay? Does Gil remember anything at all? Maybe being bitten by something, or meeting a creepy person?"
"He didn't say anything like that... You should ask him. He only mentioned feeling funny-" Jay said, then trailed off. We both looked toward Gil, who was talking to Ari enthusiastically. I took a deep breath, and went over to talk to him.
"Hey, Gillion? I need to ask you something. Before you, maybe, turned into a werewolf- did you see anything weird, or get scratched by a big wolf? Maybe even bitten?" He looked at me, seemingly paleing. Ari quirked her eyebrow, interested now.
"I don't think I've ever fought a big wolf before... much less get bitten by one. I... I woke up and felt dread, then fought a sea beast, then found out I was tied up. It wasn't fun, but Jay eventually untied me. I'm more glad that Pretzel doesn't hate me anymore." He started petting the little frogtapus on his shoulder for emphasis and the little creature chittered and trilled happily.
"She hated you?" He looked at Pretzel, then me.
"Well, no, but she didn't want to be around me before I 'blacked out'." It was hard to imagine Pretzel ever not wanting to be around Gil. She loved him. She might've sensed that he wasn't right-
"Did Pretzel ink on you, or did she punch you with her little arms?" Ari interjected past my thoughts. Pretzel in turn stopped trilling and glared at Ari, possibly understanding what Ari was saying.
"Pretzel- she just inked. But she is very formidable with a small ice sword!" For emphasis, he made a small ice sword, and Pretzel held it and waved it around, croaking. Ari laughed at how serious the little creature looked, and I barely managed to stifle my giggles.
"Well then, have you met any strange people that might've cursed you?" I asked, trying to get back on topic. Gil thought for a moment and looked defeated.
"No. I've just been on the Albatross for weeks with Chip, Jay, Ollie, Earl, and John. No one else, and nothing..." He jolted suddenly, making me jump back. He showed me a small mark on his wrist that looked like a crescent moon. "This is the only curse I have! I was asked to promise him any deal or favor he wants! Could he have..." Gil trailed off and started pacing.
"...who? Who cursed you?"
"It was- His name was-"
"Do you know his name or not, Gillion?" Ari asked, her eyes on the brink of turning orange.

The captains of the sunset wind. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz