Jays Pov

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I watched the whole thing unfold, hearing an initial crash and running back just as the bird girl used her magic feather attack. I watched as Gil struck the other girl with one of his crazy explosions. I walked up as the shock seemed to break him and he slowly melted into a corner, calling John in confusion. Once I had broken out of my own shock, I proceeded to run over to where the girl lay; unconscious. I wanted to see if my magic could do anything. The bird girl was waiting next to her, still gently dripping the healing potion into her mouth.
"Jay-" Chip gravitated to me before I could get close.
"Go to Gil, I think he needs the most support right now. She'll be fine." I shoved him in the direction that Gillion was in before he could say another word. Gillion saw him approach, and Chip shot me an unsure look before he patted Gillion on the back. "Hey... champ?"
I then proceeded to ask, "Hey, um, could you step back a bit? I want to see if I can heal her." The bird girl kept her eyes locked on Gillion, then shot back to me. She looked angry, confused, and sad. She pushed off of the other girl. "Heal her." She waved her hand like she was annoyed, and hesitated as I knelt down. My hands lit up green as I used my magic to mend her wounds, wincing at the ice frozen to her skin. Just as I was unsure if it would do anything, the unconscious girl began to groan. The boy who had been hovering gently turned her onto her side to allow her to clear her lungs.
She coughed a bit as though trying to clear something from her lungs before her eyes shot open. She tried to sit up. I held her down and she fought against my hands, in a desperate attempt to get up. "Whoa whoa! Calm down. I don't know how hard Gil hit you, so please stay down. Don't get up." I said, totally not expecting the "And why not?" She sassed in a tone that absolutely said if you don't let me go there will be problems. I paused, blinking in confusion. Is this really the same girl as before?
"Ry..." The bird girl didn't have to say much to get her point across. There was a clack clack clack from her boots as she paced back and forth. "Mom, Ari's right." One of the boys who had been hovering pressed, even though he looked way too old to be her son.
She stopped struggling and I released my grip on her shoulders. She looked thoroughly annoyed. "Can I sit up to a post at the very least?" I looked at the others and they all nodded in agreement. I helped her gingerly scoot up against a wooden post of a fence. She looked slightly happier as she gingerly picked up her hat, a cloth still tied across the roots of her ebony toned hair. She looked at the boy who had called her mom with a goofy grin.
"Did you actually call me mom or was that just my mess of a mental state right now?" She teased as he looked down sheepishly. A small blush quickly bloomed on his face. "No n-no n-no!" he said, rapidly shaking his head and looking absolutely ashamed at himself. Ari scoffed to herself, something no one else picked up on, and then rushed over to pick up her other sword. After sheathing them both, she walked back with swaying hips and twitchy wings.
"It's fine Kaleb. But please- don't do that again. It's weird." She laughed to herself, then coughed and groaned. I looked back towards the docks.
"Where is your guy's ship? We should let her rest there." I pointed out. "Or at the very least, do you guys have someone to help heal her more? This is one of the more... Creative hits I've seen from Gillion." My eyes locked to the ice for another moment, then I heard the shuffling of metal and turned back to see Gil giving me a look.
"Mhmm. We've got Dallas. Hey!" Bird lady yelled to the boy drawing in a book. He startled, dropping his pencil. He didn't seem too bothered by anything that had happened around him, only flinching when his captain called his name. He stumbled to pick up his pencil, adjusting his glasses and rustling through a small bag before taking a small purple-y vial and uncorking it, handing it to me.
"Um, h-here you go- Sorry Captain- I got distracted again-" He said, rubbing the back of his neck and messing with his hair before putting his glasses in his bag. Distracted? More like on another planet.
"It's okay Dal- urg-" She sputtered while drinking. "Why does it taste so weird?" She said, after swallowing the rest.
"O-Oh, yeah it's a bit bitter. That's more of a painkiller than a healer. I-I'm trying to do less with magic so that I can preserve it-" He took the vial from her and sniffed it. "Yeah, it smells right. I'm sorry about that." He said before covering his mouth. "I-I- sorry- uhm, we probably should set sail anyways. Rea, are you okay?" He asked, offering her his hand.
"I'm okay- good as new... and I didn't get the chance to ask something. Chimp, was it? He- He offered us the chance to join your crew. I'm going to have to decline, sorry." She didn't look very sorry, knowing he was probably kidding.
"He did what?" I asked, turning toward Chip. He was standing by Gil, awkwardly patting his back as Gil hugged him. Sheesh, what is wrong with you two? I turned back to Ry. "I uh, I got to take care of something real fast. Don't mind me."

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