Part one the meeting Chips Pov:

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I docked the Millennium Chipper, (not The Albatross) at the Isles of Ire to restock on food after I found out that Gillion threw it all overboard "to feed the sharks". I made sure the ship was tied before hopping off, landing epicly if I do say so myself. Old Man Earl shouted after us as we walked down the gangway to remember to get more fruit. "If you think you can make a mockery of my fruit, fish man, then you've got another thing coming!" He huffed after us as Gil ducked his head. Ollie and John waved at us, refusing to come onto the island after what happened. I went to find Earl's fruit, then caught up with the others at noon, arms full of supplies while Gil was covered in scratches.
"Gil- what happened?" I asked him. He looked up at me, and proudly said, "I defeated the hissing furred beast!" Hands on his hips like some kind of superhero. "The what?" Jay asked, a look of utter confusion plastered on her face. "The hissing demon covered in fur! I have defeated it! It ran away in cowardice."
"Did you fight a cat?" I asked, tilting my head in an 'are you serious?' kind of way. "Ah! So that's what it was." Gil didn't disperse his heroic aura. "It jumped on my face. What an unhonorable tactic in combat! Nonetheless, I defeated it!"
I stared at him blankly while Jay gave him a disappointed head shake. "That's great, Gil." I waved it off, my voice flat. He seemed satisfied enough, and with that, we started walking back to the ship when a pair of golden wings caught my eye. A girl with the same colored hair was stretching those wings while pacing back and forth. Another girl, gloomier in comparison, was playing chess with an equally dark guy when she suddenly stood up and shouted, "CHECKMATE KALEB!" The gloomy girl pounced and pointed a slender finger at the man with wolf-like ears . The winged girl looked back at the two of them, shook her head, and seemed to want to fly away, but landed just a few feet away. Just some normal people playing chess. Lame. I turned away when I heard Gil shout-
"Ah! I have been meaning to test Pretzel's skill! Please duel her in the battle of chess!" The gloomy-looking girl jumped behind a man with flowing black hair, the feather on her hat swaying heavily.
"Gil, I think you're a little too loud for this..." Jay sighed, walking over, with me following suit. I cautiously approached, knowing they were on edge from seeing a fully armored fishman run up to them.
I stuffed my hands in my pockets, trying my hardest to move as slowly as possible while still appearing to walk at a normal speed. Up ahead of me, Gil had been cut off by a giant white wing blocking him from the gloomy girl. "Hey hey hey! Stop it with that look, fishman! You look like you're about to fight her, which you're not without losing to me first!" The winged girl from earlier raised an eyebrow dangerously, standing with wings outstretched to block Gil from moving any closer.
Danggit, Gil- "We don't want any trouble," I was suddenly right behind Gillion, tugging on his arm. To be expected though, he didn't even budge an inch.
"Bold of you to assume I'd lose!" Gil stepped back, brushing me aside. "If you wish to duel, then I accept!" His eyes glinted like they usually did when a battle started. To my shock and amazement, this bird lady matched his expression. Jay stepped forward. "Are you kidding me? Don't fight here! Lady, I'm sorry about my friend. He is an idiot. He just wanted to see if his frogtopus would win in a chess match." She had her head in her hand as if she couldn't believe how stupid it sounded.
"What's a frogtopus?" The gloomy girl and the bird girl both spoke at the same time, one sounding curious while the other sounded slightly annoyed to be interrupted. Gil released his battle tension for a moment and reached down to grab Pretzel's globe. "This is Pretzel." He said, his voice suddenly doting as the little creature in his hands waved with a pink tentacle.
The bird girl's wings folded slightly, but not completely. The other girl, however, was out of her hiding spot and right up close to the globe. "She's so cute!" Her eyes were alight with wonder, and up close I could see they didn't match. One was an aquatic blue while the other was a muted mossy green. She looked up from Pretzel to make eye contact with me. She immediately bounced back behind the bird girl, grabbing her wings around like a shield of protection. This girl moves at a thousand miles per hour.
"She can play... chess?" The wariness on the winged girl's face was apparent. Gil nodded like a proud parent. "She can beat everyone on our ship, anyway. I wanted to test her skills against someone who could match her level."
"Well, you don't seem very smart." The winged girl stated bluntly. I couldn't help myself from laughing at that. Ouch, good thing Gillion doesn't care.
"Exactly what I was thinking! Would your companion be up for a friendly duel of brains?" He nodded in agreement, which caught bird-girl off guard. "Ari..." A voice came from the cocoon of feathers. "If he says his pet can play chess, then I have to see!" The gloomy girl nudged her way out of the barrier, and bird-girl (Ari, I guess) stepped aside. "Fine, but I want to fight you!" She fully extended her hand, her finger stopping just next to Gil's eye. He didn't even flinch.
"I accept!" Gil said, hand already on his sword.
"No, he doesn't- Gil, we have things to do-" I tried to pull him away, which was useless. Jay turned to go back to the ship, not saying a word.
"Come on Gil- Jay! Wait!" Jay didn't turn around.
"I'm going to the ship where there are more sane people. I'd rather hang around Apple than see Gil fight more." Jay called over her shoulder. "He already fought a cat of all things."
"No Jay! If he loses then I can't- Jay!" She just shook her head and kept walking.
"I must know the name of who I am to duel!" Gil walked over to the chess table, opened the cork, and let Pretzel crawl out to examine the board. After he made sure she was okay, he turned back to the two girls, drawing his sword. Bird girl rolled her eyes, drawing her own sword. It was so thin I was certain there wasn't anything there at all, but then the light from the blade hit my eyes. That doesn't look very practical for up-close combat. I mused, backing away from the soon-to-be battle arena. The gloomy-looking girl who seemed to have lightened up at the prospect of playing chess with someone other than her crew was smiling softly as Gil drew his blade. Bird-girl smiled proudly. "Let us duel, then." She said before Gloomy-girl leaned up whispering something in her ear. "Yes, I apologize for my rudeness- but seeing as you fired me up I seemed to have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Captain Arianna, of the Sunset Wind." She gave a slight bow, but not enough to show that she respected us in any way. Another pirate crew? Here? I eyed her suspiciously. From her long coat, which was adorned in gold, matching her pirate hat, I had no choice but to believe her for now. Gloomy-girl looked sort of nervous as all of the excitement and vigor melted out of her. It seemed she had realized that she had to also introduce herself. "A-and I'm..." she continued to speak, but any sound she had before had completely vanished. "What was that?" Gil asked, turning away from Arianna as Gloomy-girl sat down. "Rea, Rea Canelis. The second captain of the Sunset Wind." She rushed this all out as though if she spoke any slower it wouldn't be heard at all, and I bet that it wouldn't. "Hi, I'm Chip, captain of the Millennium Chipper." I gave the same sort of half bow that Arianna gave, only this time I relished in the sarcasm and fake politeness she offered. "And I am Gillon Tidestrider-" Gil said. "Pleasure, can we fight now?" Arianna asked, jittery and restless. Ooo, and she even cut him off before he could say all his titles! "Of course. I will beat you with the wrath of the strength of the waves!" A flash of light, a glow from the two, and then the battle began.

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