Johns Pov

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"MAN OVERBOARD!" I yelled as I took off my jacket and boots. James was suddenly right behind me, yelling something incoherent. I dived off the ship before he could come up to me, feeling the water grab me as I plunged below the depths.
Through the bubbles, I saw Malachi, not moving. He was sinking lower and lower. There wasn't anything in sight around us, just him. I quickly swam to grab him, dragging his frail form to the surface. He wasn't breathing. I struggled up the rope ladder, Malachi strung over my shoulder. Immediately a boy, Dale? Rushed over and started checking for a pulse before shouting at us to help. I set him down gingerly, wipping water off my brow.
It was a routine I'd done hundreds of times before during training, but I hadn't ever had to use it. The only time I ever jumped off a ship to bring someone back was a prisoner, and he would rather drown than be brought back. I'm glad this time didn't end the same.
"We have to shake the water from his lungs! James- hold him by the ankles, up high, quickly" My friend did as he was told without question, worry snaking through his eyes. After a moment, I heard a quiet choking sound after a few mouthfuls of water came up. "Set him down now- careful! Hey- Malachi! Malachi!" The boy shook Malachi's shoulders until he started coughing more water out. "You okay?"
"-no-" He croaked, coughing a few more times. The shadows that had disappeared started flickering around his head, appearing with worried faces but no voices. They must get knocked out when he does. "I'll just... go below deck. I'll sleep it off." He tried to back away, still coughing and clearing his throat.
The boy placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure? What happened?" Concern filtered through his tone. Malachi tried shoving him off. "Nothing. Nothing at all happened. I wasn't paying attention and I fell. Can I please go below deck?" The boy sat back, allowing Malachi to stand up and shake off some water.
"Ugh, I hate getting wet." He mumbled to himself as the voices from his shadows returned to him. James hovered over him until Malichi gave him a look and continued walking. I let him go, not knowing exactly what happened but knowing that I made him uncomfortable.
"Is that really what happened?" James walked over to me, no longer riddled with worry but now a curiosity hiding underneath his gruff surface. I shook my head. "I have no idea." I turned back to the rising sun, in an effort to distract myself. And distract I did. I saw a figure racing at top speed, wings beating, and even from here, I could see the sweat gleaming off her forehead.
"Captain?" James looked just as confused as me. She had determination behind her eyes. I didn't understand until she was about to reach the boat, and a figure leaped out of the water. Everything slowed down, and I watched in amusement as they both crashed into each other, slamming into the wood of the ship, panting like it was the end of the world. "Gillion?" They both sat there for a moment until Gillion leaped up. "John! Who touched the boat first?"
James' captain wasn't too far behind, also jumping up to her feet. Her wings hung low, twitching with energy that told me she had been flying for a while. "Yeah John! Who was it?" I don't think she had said a word to me this whole time, but suddenly both of them were pressing me, getting closer and closer to my face. I looked between them for a moment, both of them carrying that same expression in their eyes.
"Well..." I was way too distracted to see something like that, but with the look in their eyes, I knew I wouldn't get away with that. Who would be angrier to lose? Oh gosh, they both look exactly the same! "You both crashed into each other! How am I supposed to see?" I let out a boisterous laugh, causing them both to leap back in disappointment.
"Dangit! Another mystery left unsolved! Who wins the fight, and who wins the competition? Arianna, we might be cursed!" Gil looked about ready to explode, Arianna not far off. "Maybe we should go again!" She raised her fist, folding her wings formally once again, but it took a second. "It's the only way!" He agreed, getting ready to go again.
"Whoa whoa whoa!" The boy who had helped Malachi put a hand on each of their shoulders. "We are not reliving what happened a month ago. Ari, remember when you went out flying for 'training' and on the way back you got so tired you fell out of the sky?" Ice laced his tone. "We are not reliving that. And you!" He leaned back to fold his arms, facing Gillion. "You are just like her. With your luck, you'll pass out, and you'll sink to the bottom of the ocean! Good luck finding us after that." He looked stretched thin as if what happened with Malachi had already put him over the edge.
Arianna gave him a shocked look as if she didn't even know he could be this strict. He backed off then, losing some of his earlier intimidation. Ari put up her hands. "You're right, Dallas. I always get too ahead of myself. Gil? Let's pick this up later." She suddenly calmed down, forcing Gil to untense his shoulders. "Alright." He nodded his head, and with that, whatever weird competition dispersed. Gillion walked back to his ship, passing by a very confused Jay. Arianna did the same, but Ry was the one giving her weird looks.
"Never a dull moment on this crew." James shook his head. Dallas exhaled a sigh of relief. "It was difficult enough dealing with Ari alone. Now that she's got someone who matches her craziness, it's suddenly gotten a lot more difficult." He walked off. "I give it another day, tops until they destroy each other."

The captains of the sunset wind. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora