Jays pov

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"Tia, what are you talking about?" Rea asked, looking doubtful. Yeah, what is she talking about?
"There's a place, under the ocean, that holds a cure, or in this case, a cursebreaker, that can help." The old woman, Tia, sounded like she was reciting a fairytale.
"And is this place real?" Chip asked. I elbowed him in the ribs. "Come on Jay! That hurts- Don't say you're not thinking the same thing."
"You can't just go around and accuse people of lying, to their face!"
"Don't yell at me! Sorry, lady. I'm having a hard time believing that it's that simple to know about the exact thing we need, right when we need it. Do you have proof?" Chip turned to the small old lady. She looked a bit... sad.
"...Yes, I understand that you may not believe me..." Rea reached out her hand to grab onto Tia's hand, and they both smiled at each other. "It may just be a story... but I've heard that this place holds all sorts of Navy treasures, but was guarded by a leviathan. It's a stretch... but I've wanted to find that place for a long time now." The whole of the Sunset Wind looked at Tia, some concerned, others sad, and some seemed to be lost in their thoughts.
"Tia- why didn't you tell us about this place sooner?" Ari asked, wings twitching.
"Well... just an underwater treasury didn't seem like something to bring up... but the rumor of the cursebreaker... It seems like the right thing to do for the fish." She looked at Gil. He was silent, maybe thinking, maybe spacing out. This... I've never heard of any underwater treasury with magical artifacts... or a leviathan. What has my family been doing-
"I say we risk it for this maybe-real magical thinggie. Anything for Gil." Chip said, glancing at Gil. "And if it isn't real, we'll still get gold!" I scoffed. Gil came back to himself and looked out at the ocean.
"We should try... it could help all of us, not just me-" Gil said.
"And the gold, Gil!" I elbowed Chip again. "Okay- sorry. But still, we should try." Tia smiled, more crinkles forming around her face, a scar I hadn't noticed before became more defined across her face.
"Let's set sail for Featherbrook island, specifically Kiwi village." Tia said.
"Which would be on the outskirts of the island." I said, and  looked at Gil and Chip.
"Well... how about we set sail, Captains?" Chip grinned.

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