Jay + arianna pov

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Chip fumbled and fell down like an idiot, then just laid there, taking the defeat. I looked back toward Ari, very sure she would kill him just for being an idiot. She gripped her rapier tightly, her knuckles turning white, then in what I could only describe as a war cry, threw that sword across the deck, away from Chip, and with a bright orange glow, flew straight up, fast. Where- then I remembered when we first met, how she flew up and then used that momentum to push Gil back. Screw this- "Chip!" I yelled. He didn't move. "Get off the deck!"

Arianna's POV
I shot up into the sky, flying and gaining height as fast as I could, drowning in my thoughts. They all came by briefly, letting me doubt, then leaving fast enough for another thought to take its place, bringing me lower while I climbed toward the cloudless purple sky. What if I just... stop? Let myself fall back toward the deck. What would break first? My wings, or their ship?

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