Tia+ariannas pov

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I woke up early in the morning, what woke me I wasn't sure. Then, as I went out on the deck, I saw it. Featherbrook island. Home. My vision blurred as tears came to my eyes. I haven't been here since... since I found the Sunset Wind. So much has changed... and yet so little. The woodshop where me and Charlie worked and lived in... it looked different. It changed from the dusky red I loved to a pale orange, and it looked like a fruit stall now. My little Damian...
A warm hand startled me from my thoughts. Kadence was holding my arm, and in the other hand was a small wooden bowl of soup. Chicken soup- that's my recipe. I perfected it when Damian was still a kid. When I left, I taught Kadence how to make it as well. She loved it just as much as my Damien did. I took the bowl, the warm broth steaming slightly and smelling really good.
"Thank you, dear." She smiled and bounced off to wake everyone else up. Oh, how I miss those days. Now, I have more people to take care of. Everyone here misses something, but here, together, they miss it less. I shook my head slowly. We'll arrive soon. I have to get my things together. I drank down the soup, trying not to let myself cry over the memories. I steadied myself. Kadence did a good job.
I startled again as Malachi came into the room, yawning and still half asleep, and Kadence trailing close behind. James came in a little later, also still tired but seemed like he was trying to hide it. I didn't bother wondering where the captains were, or Dallas. One of them was steering the ship, and the others we would let sleep.
"Tia? Why are we heading toward Featherbrook again?" Malachi asked.
"Well... I remembered something about this place that might help those kids on... what was their ship called?"
"The Albatross." Arianna said, rushing into the room. She was always moving, and bustling around like a small storm. She took an apple for herself and settled herself against the wall.
"Oh, yes. Thank you. I remembered something that might help the crew of the Albatross."
"Isn't this also the island where we found you?" Ari asked around her apple.
"Well... yes. This is my home island. Kiwi village is my hometown." We'd be docking any minute now.
"Did you miss it once you left?" Kadence piped in.
"Well... a bit... It's where my family was, but they left, and now I have all of you." Kadence and Malachi quickly encased me in a hug, and James gave a few pats to my shoulder. Arianna was looking at her boots, lost in thought. "Come now, don't be sad for me. It's another adventure for us."
"We're docking!" I heard Rea call from the deck. Kadence, Malachi, and James made their way up to the deck, and I turned to follow, but Arianna stayed where she was, still and unmoving.
"Tia... Do you really think there is a cursebreaker somewhere here?" She asked suddenly.
"Arianna, I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't think it could help those kids." I gently brushed some stray hair from her eyes. "There's something there worth the trip." I turned to head up to the deck and left the captain staring at her shoe.

Arianna's POV
"There's something there worth the trip." I wanted to ask if I could be cured, but stopped. There's no use asking Tia. She wouldn't know. Gillion barely knows how he was cursed... The small crescent tattoo on my ankle felt like it was burning. I didn't want to know if it was really glowing red, or if it was just my imagination. I didn't even want to walk on it. I'll wait down here until I get bored, or until someone looks for me.

The captains of the sunset wind. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang