Ariannas pov

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I stomped away from the Captain's Quarters, probably angrier than I should be. Hmph. If it's 'Captains', then Ry should stop worrying so much about me. I'm just as capable as she is, and definitely stronger. Why does she worry so much? Why does she- I bumped into something, stalling my thoughts.
"Hey-! Oh, hey." That voice. The voice of a certain fellow who carried the air of someone in way over his head.
"Chip, right?" I asked, eyeing him. He looked less than awake, and much less ready if something were to happen.
"Yeah, that's me. What're you-"
"I- I'll challenge you. Yeah, I challenge you, Chip, to a sword duel." He sputtered, looking up at me with wide eyes. He immediately turned down to look at himself, wearing comfy pajamas. Hm. If he's so good at things, why should he be afraid? He must've been bluffing his way here. Just another liar-
"Wha-what? Here? Why?" He asked, failing to lean against a barrel that wasn't there.
"I heard you were good with a sword. I want to fight you, without magic, to see how good you really are. Unless..." He straightened up, a confident smirk on his face where there once was shock.
"No- no unless. I can take you in a clean fight." He said, grinning, reaching for a phantom sword. He then looked down and remembered he wasn't dressed for combat. "I can take you in a fight... once I grab my things-" He shrugged, waving his arms around before quickly walking back toward his boat. I raised an eyebrow at him. If he takes longer than ten minutes, I'm going to go find him.

Chip's POV
No no no no no- I can't do this! I could feel the sweat building on my forehead as I "sauntered" away as casually as possible. I'm so not ready for this! Maybe I can hide from it? I made my way downstairs to the interior of the Millennium Chipper, running into Gillion. I locked eyes with him. No, stupid! Of course, that won't work! She's just going to come after me like Gil does!
"Hey Chip! Late riser today? Wow, you look so moist right now!" Gillion nodded his head to me, probably saying something in the means of a compliment. I pushed my hands into the pockets of my pajama pants and patted my legs impatiently. "Haha, yeah! Thanks Gil- Hey listen, can I borrow your armor for something?" My eyes locked on the black steel armor lovingly set alongside his barrel, sword not too far. Gil tilted his head and looked at me.
"My... armor? For something? What something?" I tried not to look at him.
"You got me- I wanted to try it on. It just looks so cool-" I lied, my fingers anxiously tapping my legs. Gil seemed to brighten up.
"Oh! Just to try it on? Sure! I'll help you!" Gill happily grabbed the chest plate, no further questions. I thought I was in the clear until Jay walked in. "Just know Chip, I make it look easy, but it might be heavy for you."
"Wha- what are you guys doing?" Jay asked, looking at us both quizzically. I startled, jumping a little.
"Oh, hey, Jay-! Whoa-!" I almost collapsed as Gil plopped the armor down on me, and the weight of what felt like a thousand pounds hit me at once.
"Chip- I told you!" Gil easily picked me up, balancing me so that I stood on my own. My voice came out strained. "How... the heck... do you wear this?" Gill just brushed off imaginary dust and brushed off my question at the same time. Jay shook her head and giggled, walking over to us and pointing at me.
"What made you even think of trying this?" Jay said, poking the chest plate, nearly knocking me off balance. I waved her off.
"What if I just wanted to try on Gil's armor, Jay? Can I not do that?" I retorted.
"Even that's weird for you to do. This doesn't have anything to do with the angry-looking Ari on our deck, right?" I shuddered but tried to hide it with a yawn. Try to play it off.
"Ari? Which Ari?" I blurted before thinking. Both Gil and Jay raised their eyebrows at me. I mentally slapped my forehead. Don't play dumb, play it off, dummy! "I meant, where is she? You said our deck? Did you ask her why?" I felt like I was sweating, probably why Gil said I looked moist earlier.
"No... I didn't. I wanted to find you first... Are you okay Chip? What are you scheming?" I looked at Jay. She had a twisted searching look that made me look just to the side of her.
"Scheming? Jay, how could I scheme if I've been with Gil? I can't lie around him." I said, mentally pushing past my previous lie. Please stop asking so this mistake and oversight can be moved on from-  a sharp smack knocked me out of my thoughts. I stumbled and Gil held me back by my shoulders.
"Sorry! I thought you'd be able to stand better than that." Gil said.
Jay shook her head. "When you die, I'll try not to say it was a dumb idea."
"Hey!" I protested, then coughed as Gil tightened the armor. "Uh, Gil-" I wheezed. "Too tight man- too tight bud-"
"Sorry again. There we go- all there. It doesn't fit perfectly, but it looks good on you!" I looked down at myself and saw small bits of my pj's poking out between the armor. Some pieces were too tight, others seemed like they wouldn't do much. I am very screwed.
"Chip!" I flinched as I heard Ari shout from the deck. Jay hid her grin and giggled behind her hand. "You are so very dead." She muttered. I tried to brush it off,  took a step, and tripped, stumbling again. I caught myself on the wall, laughed nervously, and went on deck to my doom. I'm dead, I'm dead, I am so very definitely gonna die today-
Ari scoffed when she turned around. "Are these your... things, you needed to grab? Why did I think you would honestly fight me, when clearly you are more cowardly than you two." She pointed to Gil and Jay, both staring at me; Gil with a look of shock or disappointment, and Jay shaking her head. Crap-
"Well, come on then! Draw your sword, coward."
Arianna's POV
"Well, come on then! Draw your sword, coward." I taunted, drawing my greatsword. Chip went to draw a sword, then looked and saw he didn't even have one. He looked back toward his crew, probably pleading with them to get him a sword. I sighed through my teeth, which sounded more like a hiss than intended, and slid my greatsword toward him while I drew my rapier. My sword hit his foot and he turned back and stopped to pick it up. He is such a fool- I thought, and I was right. Chip fell even while trying to grab the sword. He landed on his side, then rolled onto his back. I could just barely hear him mumble, "Just kill me quick."

The captains of the sunset wind. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz