19 - I'm Meta, I'm Meta!

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Kirby: *Prancing around with Meta Knight's mask* Look at me, I'm an angry blueberry! Fight me! All I love is fighting and the Halberd and fighting the Halberd!

Meta Knight: *Chases after Kirby while trying to keep his face covered with his cape* GET THE HELL BACK HERE

Axe Knight: Hey! Imposter!!

Meta Knight, relieved: Thank yo—

Mace Knight: Nice try, Kirby! You can't just paint yourself blue and pretend you're Meta Knight!

Meta Knight: Wh — I AM Meta Knight!

*Axe and Mace shove him into the trash chute despite his repeated claims of "I AM META KNIGHT"*

Axe Knight: Don't worry, sir! We took care of Kirby.

Kirby: *Slowly nods, still a bit confused on what just happened, then turns around to run off before Meta Knight can climb back up the trash chute to murder him*

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