47 - Tech Support

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Kirby, on the phone: Hewwo...Macrosoft tech support? There's this talking purple monkey on my computer, and he won't stop telling me lame jokes.

Operator Cappy on the other end, who sounds like he's in his mid-thirties, listens to techno music, and still thinks his 80's disco hairstyle is cool: Hmmm, have you tried turning it off and on again?

Meta Knight: Kirby, who are you on the phone with?

Kirby: Microsoft tech support!

Meta Knight: Wh - Kirby, get off the phone now.

Operator Cappy: Kindly provide your credit card details so that I may remove this purple monkey, sir.

Kirby, somehow already having Meta Knight's credit card: Okay! The numbers are threee...one...eight...two, three-

Meta Knight: *Snatches his credit card, then grabs the phone and hangs it up* Now leave Mace Knight's computer alone!

Mace Knight, looking over: Hmm? Oh - Nova damnit, who put that stupid gorilla on my computer again?! Get it off!

Kirby: Okay! *Punches a hole through the screen, right where Bonzi Buddy was*

Meta Knight: KIRBY!!

Mace Knight, now sobbing: NOOO, MY AXIS AND ALLIES SAVE!!

*Kirby smiles innocently, until Meta Knight begins to chase him out of the room with his sword, at which point he dashes off and cries "poyo poyo poyo!!"*

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