55 - Ooh Na Na

15 3 2

Kirby: Knock knock!

Meta Knight, with his back to Kirby: I am not answering that.

Kirby: Hmph, fine. He's coming to you, then. *Walks in front of Meta Knight and holds up a picture of Big Chungus*

Meta Knight, annoyed: Get that away from me!

Kirby: Okay! *Pushes it up closer to Meta Knight's face*

Meta Knight: Away, not closer! *Pushes it away with his sword*

Kirby: Okay, so over here? *Tapes the Big Chungus image to the wall*

Meta Knight: Take that down!

Kirby: Why, poyo? It's just a funny little cartoon rabbit!

Meta Knight: It looks tacky there.

Kirby: So here, then, poyo? *Moves it two millimeters to the left*

Meta Knight: It looks tacky everywhere! Get it out of my ship!

Kirby: *Walks outside and tapes the Big Chungus PNG up on one of the cannons*

Meta Knight, having followed Kirby: *Unamused glare*

Kirby: What? You said to get it out of your ship, and it's outside now.

Meta Knight: You know what I meant! Get it out of here!

Kirby: Go print more of them? Okay!

Meta Knight: NO!!

[Ten minutes later]

*Main cannon #2 is now completely covered in Big Chungus images*

*The walls of the control room are covered in Big Chungus images*

*The wallpaper of Meta Knight's computer has been set to Big Chungus*

*Big Chungus images are taped up randomly throughout several corridors*

Kirby: *Humming happily and horribly offkey as he begins to paint the front of the Halberd to look like Big Chungus's face*

Meta Knight, with a whole roll of packing tape: *Tackling Kirby and furiously attempting to tape a crumpled image of Big Chungus over his face*

Kirby: POYYYYYYYYY *Dramatically flails around*

*Despite his best efforts, Kirby is ultimately Big Chungus'd*

Ways to Get Kicked Off the HalberdWhere stories live. Discover now