43 - Matchmaker

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Kirby: *Running up to the Halberd to give a folded up piece of paper to Meta Knight* Hiiii, Meta-poy! Dedede-poy wanted me to give this to you~!

Meta Knight, very unamused: Kirby, I can tell you wrote this without even opening it.

Kirby: Ah - Wha-?! Well, whatever! Just open it!!

Meta Knight: *Stares flatly at Kirby for a good few moments before finally opening it*

*The note, which is barely legible, reads "Marry me?" in crayon*

Meta Knight: ...Okay, now I genuinely cannot tell if you or Dedede wrote this.

King Dedede, who is randomly walking past the Halberd again: Hey! Ya' know I can't read, Meta!

Meta Knight: Hrmph, fair point...Wait a moment. Neither can Kirby. *Stares at the note again, looking a bit baffled now* Who the hell wrote this, then?

*Sailor Dee, who is inside the ship, shyly backs away from the window*

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