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⚠ If you are reading this on any platform besides Wattpad, such as teenfic, it has been stolen and reuploaded without my permission! Please read the original work HERE: ⚠


You're free to download/screenshot/whatever any of the art in here and share it as you wish, I only ask that you do not try to claim it as your own or remove my signature. Credit appreciated! If there's some you really like, reach out to me and I can offer you the full/original PNG, since some of the quality is likely lost when they're compressed and uploaded to Wattpad.

The artwork in the book is a mixture of my older and newer art, some are quick drawings and some are higher-effort ones with shading and lighting. All images are drawn on my phone with Autodesk Sketchbook. For the higher-effort ones I'm actually kind of proud of lol, see parts 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 28, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. The rest I would class as stupid doodles.


I know some authors get annoyed by people voting a lot on their stories ("vote spam", as it's sometimes called), but I don't mind! If you want to vote on every single chapter, please do!


If you'd like to use any of these scenes in your own artwork or fanfiction, feel free to! Credit not required, but highly appreciated.


If you have your own ideas/chapters you'd like to submit, you can comment them here, and I'll credit you as the author if it's added to the book.

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