51 - Knights, New Plan!

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Kirby: *Takes one little step into the control room*

Meta Knight, scowling: I cannot deal with you right now, Kirby. Please find some else to do - something non-destructive, preferably.

Kirby: *Takes another little step*

Meta Knight: I am warning you, Kirby.

Kirby: *And another step*

Meta Knight: This is your final warning!

Kirby: *An big steppy*

Meta Knight: That is it! Knights - attack! *Waves his sword and summons the Meta-Knights out of thin air*

*The Meta-Knights, who were obviously very unprepared, tumble into an ungraceful pile*

Axe Knight, annoyed: Sir, we talked about you summoning us without warning.

Meta Knight: And we will talk about it later - go, now, all of you! Get rid of Kirby!

*The four of them understandably hesitate, because it's Kirby, the pink terror that always eats them*

*Kirby takes the chance to inhale them all*

Kirby, as Meta Knight is staring in baffled horror at him: What? You had to have known that was coming, poyo. *Looks at his head after swallowing them, disappointed* Aww, still no abilities from those dorks. Lame!

Sailor Dee, furiously running up behind Kirby with a mop: Hey! Spit them out!! *Smacks Kirby in the back with the end of the mop*

Kirby, shocked and spitting them out as a giant star reflexively: PTOO!

*Meta Knight can only stare as it comes at him, and the five of them are all sent crashing out through the windshield*

Captain Vul, who heard the commotion: *Peeks into the room, only to scowl when he sees the windshield is already broken again* Rassa frassa blassa...aaargh!! *Pulls at his hat in upmost frustration*

Sailor Dee: You go out there and say sorry to them!! *Smacks Kirby through the broken windshield with his mop, not caring about him getting cut up by all the broken glass*

Kirby, as he falls: POY-OWWWW!

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