50 - ¡Viva la Resistance!

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Meta Knight, faced with a very triumphant Kirby: Kirby, why are you attempting to undermine the authority of my ship? This is a rather extreme reaction to your punishment of mopping the deck.

Kirby: *Waves a sword around* Your knights have spoken! They want pay raises that you aren't giving them, so I'm here to lead the change!

Captain Vul, peeking out cautiously from behind a chair: So...why aren't any of them here, then?

Kirby: Oh, poy, they're...uh...busy. Anyway, I'm the captain now! *Steals Vul's hat and puts it on*

Captain Vul: Like hell you are!! *Yanks his hat back, then launches Kirby through the windshield*

*Meta Knight winces ever so slightly at the shower of broken glass*

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