60 - Stop, Thief!

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Meta Knight: My knights have all reported that they are missing their weapons. Would you happen to know anything about that, Kirby?

Kirby: Nope. Not a clue. *Tries to whistle innocently but it just comes out horribly offkey, causing Meta Knight to cover his "ears"*

Captain Vul: Aargh, shut up already!! *Punts Kirby across the room*

Kirby: POY— *Spits out two axes, two swords, three tridents, a flail, and at least six javelins*

Meta Knight: ........

Kirby: ........

All the knights, who suddenly seem like they don't want their weapons back anymore: .......

Kirby: You're...probably gonna want this back, too, I'm guessing *Spits out Galaxia*

Meta Knight, shocked: Wh—! How did you..?! Kirby!!

Kirby: *Turns and bolts out of the room* You're not getting your parfait back, though!

Meta Knight: Wait, Kirby was the one to eat that? Then, that means... *Hesitantly turns to look at Mace Knight, who looks rightfully pissed off* Er...my apologies.

Mace Knight, clearly not forgiving him: Hmph.

Meta Knight: .......

*The awkward silence is broken by angry Waddle Dee noises, distressed "poyo!"s, and mop-whacking sounds from outside the room*

Captain Vul: Hm. Wonder what that kid's all angry about now.


Kirby: NO I DIDN'T, POYO—YO!!!

*Despite Kirby's repeated claims of innocence, Sailor Dee proceeds to beat him unconscious with his mop. For some reason, none of the other crew members intervened. Not even Meta Knight.*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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