35 - They're Bombs...From a Bomb Factory

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Kirby: *Trotting across the main deck* Hey guys, poyo! I got some really cool fireworks! Wanna watch them?

The entire crew: *Says nothing and only glares at Kirby, not trusting him for obvious reasons*

Kirby: The guy who sold them to me said they look like Meta Knight's face when they go off, poy.

Sailor Dee: Oh, well why didn't you say so!

*Everyone else besides Meta Knight nods in agreement*

Meta Knight: Let Kirby set off explosives from our ship?! Have you all lost your minds??

Axe Knight: But they're cool Meta Knight fireworks

Meta Knight: So?!

Mace Knight: So they're cool

Captain Vul: Light 'em up!!

Meta Knight: Don't you dare—!

Kirby: *Already set them off*

*Everyone watches as they shoot up into the sky*

Meta Knight: ...Kirby, who did you purchase these supposed fireworks from, may I ask?

Kirby: Oh, some dorky looking knight guy that called himself The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy, poyo.

Meta Knight, as the "fireworks" are suddenly falling back down towards them: I figured as much.

*The rest of the crew screams and begins to run around the deck as the fireworks turn out to actually be bombs*

*Meta Knight chucks Kirby underneath one of the bombs, then continues to stand there amidst the chaos with his cape wrapped around himself as his crew members continue to panic*

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