Tummy Hurts

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"FUCK YOU RENEE!" You shout as you grab your duffle bag "NO EVAN AT YOUR JOB IS ALREADY DOING THAT ISN'T HE?!" Renee yelled back matching your anger if not more "YOU ARE RELENTLESS!" "I'M RELENTLESS?!" The two were now yelling in each other's faces.


"maybe if you weren't being such a whore I wouldn't have to doubt you!" Renee saw the immediate wave of pain that went over your face after her words. "I-" the blonde went to grab your arm only for you to pull back "Go to hell Renee.." the Y/h girl pushed past Her now ex-girlfriend making sure to shoulder-check her as she did so.

Renee knew the term Whore was used heavily against you in the past and now she just threw it in your face without a second thought. "y/n wait..." she finally was able to croak out only hearing The door to your once shared apartment slam behind the woman she loved.

7 years later

Renee sat at a table with the rest of the main mean girls cast. They had just finished filming for the day and all decided to wind down before going their separate ways. "I think I want the chicken," Chris says. Jacquel rolled his eyes "imma going for the steak. I hear the food here is good." He says showing Chris the menu.

The rest were picking out their menu before Renee was asked by Auli'i "So when's the album dropping? We got Bebe's album and now we are just waiting on yours." She says smiling Bebe nodded in agreement. "Dude absolutely! I'm so excited to hear what you've got!" She chimed in. Renee chuckled "Oh? Not gonna lie to you guys I've had a bit of writer's block I have a few songs in the tank but not enough for an album." She answered.

After everyone had finished eating they all agreed to order a dessert just to spend a little more time with each other even though they had spent countless hours together on set.

Renee was eating the ice cream she ordered occasionally sharing some with Auli'i when a little girl ran over to Renee peaking over the table "Ice cream!" The girl who seemed no older than 4 said. Renee frowned "Where is your mommy sweetheart?" She says looking at the little girl leaning down.

A man walked over "I'm so sorry guys she's a little social butterfly." he picked up the little girl who giggled "You can't try and take other people's food Aloka or talk to strangers." Renee frowned looking at the man, he seemed familiar to her. "Did you find her babe?" a slightly smaller woman appeared from behind him holding another little girl.

"Y/n?" Renee breathed out in disbelief. "Renee? Oh my god, I haven't seen you in ages!" the other woman seemed to have forgiven and forgotten the events that led up to their intense breakup.

She stood up hugging the y/h/n woman being careful of the toddler in her arms. "Who is this?" Renee asks looking at the little girl "This is Aroura, That is Aloka and you know Evan." y/n explained she didn't notice the heartbreak on Renee's face. It made her stomach ache to see the woman she loved married to the man who started it all.

"They are beautiful." She says referring to the kids. "Oh um Y/n these are my friend, uh Jaquel, Chris, Auli'i, Bebe, and Avantika." Y/n flashed her charming smile as she waved "guys this is my um.." she didn't quite know how to say it "it's okay Renee. I'm her Ex Y/n."

A slight "oop" sound could be heard from Jaquel, Avantika puffed her cheeks looking down it was obvious from Their reactions that they had heard about you before. Chuckle "hope she's said good things about me." Renee gave you a nervous laugh "of course of course." She says biting her lip.

"Anyways we have to go. Also I'm very proud of you I knew you'd be a star." She says gently hugging Renee again. Renee was captured by her scent it smelt the same, a soft vanilla scent.

When breaking from the hug Y/n walked away holding Aurora. Evan sighed "I'm sorry Renee." He says before he too Walked off.

Once they were out of the restaurant Renee let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Avantika Gently rubbed her back "you alright bubs?" She asked worried Renee nodded still in a sort of blank state, they had heard how much Renee beat herself up worrying about if you were okay and now she sees you are married with two beautiful children while she was still stuck on the past. "Dude SHES gorgeous!" Auli'i says after y/n left, Chris nodded "yeah she's hot I will say. A milf for sure." Avantika Frowned at them "dude stop this interaction clearly was painful for renee." She scolds in which they both apologized.

Jaquel couldn't hold his snarky comment, "Well if you didn't have a song at first girl you most definitely just got some inspiration for one now."

A/N: something in me has awoken and I am now realizing how hot Renee is. I only remember her from singing the Brysen Triller Intro YEARSSS ago 🖐🏽😌 Now she is mother

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