Drew Barrymore

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You were companying Renee to her interview with Drew Barrymore, it was rare that you ever wanted to go with her to interviews because you hated sitting in the back for two to three hours waiting for her to finish.

Drew was different, you had been a huge fan of the actress/cook since you were a child and of course your home was filled with Drew cooking appliances she was your inspiration for wanting to learn how to cook—Well her and Selena Gomez.

During the car ride Renee couldn't help but laugh as you rambled about how much you loved the actress, "Renee it's not funny! What if she hates me or I come off as a creepy stalker! I don't wanna go in now can I stay in the car?" You pouted playing with your girlfriend's fingers in the back seat of the black SUV.
"She's gonna love you pumpkin relax." She says kissing the side of your head gently. You pouted a bit more, "and if she doesn't?" You ask in a softer tone.
"Then Drew sucks."

"Nooo don't say that!" You cover her mouth  your chin resting on her shoulder. "No Drew slander will be tolerated in this car." Renee couldn't help the cackle that escaped her mouth as she laughed at how cute you were. She kissed you softly then pulled away with a smile "is that a good enough apology?" She asks tilting her head. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to our lord and savior Drew Barrymore." You shrug turning to look out the window.

"You are insufferable." She jokes as she laughed her thumb rubbing across the knuckles of your fingers that stay intertwined with hers. You watched the car drove past people enjoying their every day lives some couples walked maybe close friends, bike riders, dog walkers, skateboarders. It was nice seeing everyone being able to do things like that you and Renee had been so busy you both hadn't had the time to just relax, walk and take in the fresh air of the world.

When the car came to a stop Renee gently tapped your shoulder. "Come on baby. Hold my hand tight okay the paps and some fans are here." She says you shriveled a bit, you hated the flashing lights, the screaming of Renee's name. The bombarding of questions. Sometimes they would say nasty things in hopes of getting a reaction from the blonde yet because of you she never did. She ignored them every time, she said it was because they didn't matter as long as you were with her of course she was just being cheesy it still worked and made your heart flutter.

Once the door opened, Renee got out first. She turned and waited for you to get out holding your hand immediately. Her security was immediately rushed by the paparazzi and fans you straggled behind a bit as Renee pulled you a paparazzi man reaching his arms between your stretched out arm. Renee noticed him and yelled at him to back up, whilst he was retracting his arm his elbow connected with your nose making you quickly shake your hand away from Renee's to cover it. "I'm so sorry Y/n" the man tried to apologize. Once Renee realized what he had done she gently pulled you away from him fighting every ounce of her being to not pounce on him. Blood trickled down your hand from your nose, you just waved the man off as Renee and the security escorted you into the building.

"Let me see." Renee says worry in her face. You move your now bloodied hand as the red liquid started to drip from your nose. A security guard handed Renee a handkerchief to which she gently placed over your nose tilting your head back. "Keep it just like this." Another security guard wiped the blood from your hand with another handkerchief. "This is so embarrassing. I'm covering in blood in Drew Barrymore building. I think I might just died." You whine to which Renee laughed "now is not the time to be fan girling mamas."

You hear footsteps approaching you your eyes landing on a familiar light brown haired woman, her blue pantsuit was the first thing you noticed then her smile which quickly dropped once she noticed the situation. "Oh my god is she okay? What happened?" Drew asked. Renee noticed your face heating up immensely. "A paparazzi guy elbowed her." She says before turning back to you "Y/n breath your nose is covered if you don't breath you are going to faint" she whispered you nodded letting small breaths out your nose.

"Oh my is she okay." Drew stepped closer her scent mixing with the smell of your bloodied nose you stepped back. "It's pretty gross looking." You say softly. Renee couldn't fight the smile of watching you fan girl. She had never seen it before since when you two met you didn't even know who she was at the time.

"Okay well let's get you some ice for your nose okay love." The older woman said. You nodded inching a bit behind Renee. Renee laughed "I'm sorry she's a very big fan of yours. She wanted to come today but I also had to physically carry her out of the house because she was getting cold feet in meeting you.she rambled about you the whole way here and tried to hop out the car at a street light to run back home." Your girlfriend explained to which you shamefully nodded. Drew smiled "well it's an honor to meet her. She's adorable now come on let's get you ice." She says again to which you and Renee followed her.

Renee's interview went well, well although one of Drew's many stalkers attempted to get close to her on stage you were worried at first but were grateful he was escorted out quick with no injuries to anyone. After the interview you thanked Drew again as the two of you shared a hug. She was even nicer than you had imagined in person.

A week had passed since the interview with Drew, you and Renee were now laying on the couch of your apartment, your nose was still a little tender but it didn't hurt as bad and was healing nicely. The doorbell rang and Renee jumped up immediately "Come here! drew sent you a gift and it's here!" She went to the door allowing the ups guy to drop off the packages. She pushed one into the living room and smiled "Tada!" She says. Your eyes were glued to a light grey sofa. It had been the one you wanted but was always sold  out for months. She also sent you her ice cream maker, popcorn machine, and a TV stand to match the rest of your living room set. Renee had asked her if she could and even told her which colors of everything you needed to match your kitchen and living room aesthetic.

You really did have the best girlfriend in the world and now you had the best kitchen and living room set in the world as well.

A/n: okay so Hook up can either A) have it's own story since I wrote enough to make it a full length story and just broke it down into summarized parts to make it short enough for one of these imagined stories. OR B) I keep adding it to the imagined stories but it will have At most 4-5 parts. I'm leaving it up to you guys to decided 😊❤️

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