The Wiener Sisters

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Y/n and Gretchen Weiners, despite being fraternal twins the two were polar opposites. She liked Barbie's, make up, and all things pink, you on the other hand  preferred dark colors, cars, bikes, scarping your knees up and being adventurous with your life.

"Y/n! Please keep your weird nerdy shit in your room okay! Regina is coming over to work on our science project and I don't want you weirding her out." You held up your hands "mom! See what I deal with?!" You say "Gretchen be nice to your sister." Your mom said as she held her phone to her ear, "I'm going to be gone for the weekend so no parties that's for you specifically Gretchen." Your mother said sternly, "yeah Gretchen no parties." You teased sticking your tongue out to your twin. Your sister rolled her eyes before giving you the middle finger making you gasp before returning the gesture, "y/n I saw that." Your mother said walking past you,

"No James I'm leaving for the airport right now I'll be at the meeting in no time." The older woman said as she grabbed her keys. "Y/n, you are in charge." She says as she takes the phone from her ear the phone call presumably ending. "Yes!" You fist bump the air before turning to your sister, "imagine having to be baby sat by your little sister." You teased "I'm gonna hit you, mom I'm gonna hit her!" Your sister said "don't hit your sister Gretchen! I love you both bye!" Your mom said as she exited the door of your home.

"What time is the anti christ coming?" You asked your sister, "don't worry about it," "ooo you didn't deny that she's the Satan reincarnate" "she's nice and you're an asshole, she's bringing Karen also." "The dumb one? Shocked that one's brain didn't forget how to breath," You state making her roll her eyes, "can you just go to your room or the garage or something, somewhere out of sight!" She snapped making you hold your hands up, "right, what ever I'd rather be in hell than stuck in a room with you three anyways, Curly, Moe, and Larry" you say grabbing your phone and your science book. You didn't go to school with Gretchen and the other girls, you left after ninth grade going to North Shore early college it was fair enough to say one of you had brains and it wasn't the one third of the three musketeers you had the misfortune of sharing a womb with at one point.

"I'm gonna go study in my room, remember mom said no parties." You warned, "mOm SaId No PaWtIeS, WaAaA" Gretchen said in a mocking tone making you laugh. She could never annoy you, mainly because you knew you could annoy her ten times over if ya wanted. Without protest you headed to your room, you didn't want to hear the three talk about boys, parties, and stupid pointless gossip, not to mention that stupid burn book they carried around like a Bible.

Their god being the one and only Regina...what's the closet thing to Regina and Jesus? Rejesus? Rod? Regina and god? Sorry if you are religious. Entering your room you sighed tossing your book on your desk before plopping on your bed, you had a weekend of peace and quiet now that your mom was gone and if you were lucky your sister would head off with the other two dummies as well leaving the house completely to you and your pet Hampster, Remy, you wanted a rat of course a Ratatouille reference but your mom drew the line there.

Laying back on the bed it didn't take long for your eyes to get heavy, studying for two exams and having a project due really drained you more than you thought. In the pit of the silence it didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

You opened your eyes to the feeling of your room door shaking. You sat up rubbing your eyes, "the fuck?" You groan looking at your window seeing it was dark out. How long had you slept for? The sound of music playing and people laughing made you stand up, that sounded like a hell of a lot more than the three dummies you knew. Exiting your room you see a couple making out against your door, "move!" You say sternly pushing past them, "if i catch you both in that room I'm throwing you out the window." You say to them the guy holding his hands up defensively. Making your way down the stairs you looked around, north shore students filled the large home you and your sister shared, "Gretchen!" You call out not being heard over the loud music as you looked for your sister.

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