Mood swings

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It had been six months since finding out you were pregnant, your feet had swollen and your back constantly ached. At times you would cry to your wife about and others you were more than joyful to go through all of this to be able to welcome a new member of your small family.

Renee did everything she could to make sure you were comfortable, once you had reached the five and a half months period she had postponed her concerts to be with you more and not have you travel with her. She didn't want the stress of touring to get to you and harm your mental health or the baby. You rubbed your stomach as you sat on the couch, you had just gotten done crying you had no idea why but the tears wouldn't stop. Renee told you it was just the baby showing happy tears, but you knew the tears weren't happy ones they were just tears no actual meaning at the moment.

You sniffles as Renee came back with a bottle of water and smiled. "Are you okay my love?" She asks tilting her head her blonde hair falling gracefully to one side as she gently rubbed your belly. You looked at her "I don't know Renee my ankles are swollen, my back feels like bricks are on it and my so fucking hungry." You snap "do you think I'm okay?" You wiped your tears stained cheek.

Renee knew your hormones were going to cause this. So she knew not to let the words you said get to her. She leaned forward gently pecking your lips, "how about this mamas—" she gently began to peppers your face with kisses. "I'm gonna run you a warm bath, with a nice scented bath-bomb and some candles, and I'll cook your favorite meal, I'll even massage your ankles. How does that sound?" She stopped peppering your face to gently place her forehead on yours.

Your wife knew how to make you smile and honestly all of those things sounded amazing. A warm bath hugging your skin, a nice home cooked meal, and a massage to help relieve some of the tension on your ankles. You nodded as your lip quivered, "thank you baby. I swear I love you so much." You sniffled again the tears. She smiled gently kissing away your tears. "It's alright mamas. I want you to be comfortable and you deserve the princess treatment after everything you've been through these past few months." She says and you smile gently pecking her lips. "I love you." You whisper again softly against her lips. She smiled brightly gently rubbing her nose against yours, "I love you too mamas." She murmured softly placing a soft kiss amongst your forehead.

A/n: a super short chapter, trying to stay as active as possible

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