Jimmy Falon

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You sat at home looking at the TV, it was 11:24 and you knew the Jimmy Fallon show would be starting soon. You had no interest in the show before but today was special, your girlfriend of almost a year and a half Renee Rapp would be on tonight. You two had already texted your 'I Love you" and you sent her a 'Good Luck' text as well before you gave the television all your focus.

You had your snacks and you and your girlfriends shared frenchie on the couch with you as you watched the show begin.

Renee POV:

I smiled as my name was called to come on stage. I smiled and the taller man as I hugged him "It's great to have you here Renee!"

"It's great to be here Jimmy."I grinned at him sitting down at the seat in front of his desk.

"So you are going to be the new Regina George, how does that feel?" He questioned in his normal enthusiastic tone.

"Well ya know it's an amazing experience to play one of the most iconic characters known as Regina George and even then the Regina George I play will not live up to the Legacy Rachel McAdams has set for the character," I say my hands moving as I speak passionately about the character, I had been a huge fan of mean girls so it only makes sense right.

"So is it hard balancing acting and making music?" Jimmy asked inquisitively.

"Honestly, yeah at times but I have always been blessed with a great team with ya know Sex life of college girls and even mean girls even people in my personal life they've all helped me balance it out pretty well." Smiling I thought of one person in particular who came into mind that was the most help.

"That's amazing that you can find time for both your careers that's amazing. Are there any songs coming soon? I know you are currently working on an album will we be receiving a teaser of any of those soon?"

"Actually, Jimmy I will be performing one for you guys later on tonight." I smiled brightly in excitement, I had been working on a song for y/n for months now and it was finally done what better way to let her hear it than live right?

"Really?! Now you've got me all excited!" He says as we both laugh.

"Don't worry I'm just as excited to share it," I exclaimed.

We played a game where Jimmy and I had to use a beat that was playing and form a song using the random words that popped up on the screen. It was fun and we killed it I did nearly trip up a few times because there aren't many people who use the word Onomatopoeia in a song.

"Wow! You really can come up with some songs on the spot huh!" He says taking a swing of his water.

I smiled nodding "Rhyming is my specialty. I Shoulda become a rapper". I say making him and the audience laugh.

"Okay I only have a few more questions and then we get to hear your amazing song."

"It's not even out yet." I chuckled  "How do we know it's amazing? I mean it is but don't toot my horn too much."

He laughed shaking his head. "We admire confidence here. Now I asked you earlier about how you balanced your two careers but can I ask how you balance your personal life?" He asked "have you found anyone that's able to accept you and your what must be hectic schedule?"

The grin that was on my face nearly doubled at the thought of being able to talk about my girlfriend. The shyness I felt all of a sudden at the thought of her.

"Her name is Y/n and we've been together for exactly a year and five months now." I say smiling

"really?" Jimmy exclaimed noticing the change in my posture from cool and relaxed to now a blushing mess. "Tell us a bit about her."

"She's a nerd, her head is always in a book my little book worm, she's an amazing cook and helped me learn to cook as well. She is always interested in my hobbies like just recently I've been teaching her how to play guitar, her smile opens the gates of heaven in my heart and honestly there is no one as perfect." I didn't realize I started rambling until I noticed the audience let out an 'Awe'

"She sounds amazing Renee. I can say on behalf of everyone that we are all happy to see you this happy with someone." Jimmy said in a genuine voice.

"Thank you. Honestly this song that I'm playing tonight is about her. I've been writing it in our garage in secret or when she's a sleep so she wouldn't get a sneak of it her birthday is in a few days so this is one of her gifts!" I  say smiling.

"Well how did you meet this Y/n?" He asked invested in the relationship now.

"Believe it or not at a carnival, she was trying super hard to win this extra large pickle rick plushie and sucked at basketball. My friend Pauline Chalamet dared me to win it for her and ask her if I won could I that her number."

"Did you win it for her?"

"No I failed miserably but she said I was cute and that I get her number for effort. We went from there, she also had absolutely no idea who I was believe it or not."

"Really?!" Jimmy said with a look of disbelief.

"Absolutely, when I told her I was on tour she laughed at me over the phone until I showed her the crowd. Even after knowing she never changed how she treated me. I love her so much for that."

"Alright! What's the name of this song and the meaning?" He questioned.

"It's called 'I Do' it's sort of me explaining how we both view our relationship. She's so bubbly and always sees the positive and me I'm always worried about things that could go wrong.

I just really hope she likes this." I say to which Jimmy smiled "well we know she will." He says "Alright everyone and hopefully y/n you hear this! After the break Renee will be singing her new song 'I Do' when we come back!"

He says and I wave. After the commercial and preforming the new song I thanked Jimmy for allowing me on his show  after it ended. He was as nice as people had said a genuinely respectful host. As I was getting ready to leave my phone rang the name 'Bubas' popping up.

"Hi baby!" I say excitedly my face quickly dropping when I heard sniffles.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I love you so much Renee." I hear her say through soft sobs. "How did I get so lucky?"

I smiled shaking my head "I love you more and I think I'm the one who's suppose to be asking that question."

She let out a soft giggle before I heard her sniffle again. "Please hurry up and come home. I want to kiss you."

"Then it seems I'm going to be driving like a nascar driver to get there."

"You are such a dork Renee."

A/N: i was stuck between having her be on a podcast or be on Jimmy Fallon AND I CHOSE JIMMY!!

Thank you @sunsincity for the idea. Keep the ideas coming everyone👏🏽 I HAD TWO REDBULLS IM ON 1000% right now!!

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