I hate you (Regina)

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Not proof read🙃

Regina George was the most popular girl at school . Everyone either worshipped her or hated her because they wanted to be her. She could have anyone she wanted and that she did.

Regina got off on making others fall in love with her them feeling miserable. One person in particular was Y/n Y/l/n, she enjoyed toying with your heart as a form of keeping herself entertained.

She would tell you a-lot of sweet things to make her feel special and you would fall for it every time. You were not as popular as Regina but you still got just as much attention as her. You were loved by many of your classmates due to your kind, compassionate attitude, you would always keep a smile on your face no matter how often the villainous blonde would attempt to hurt you, everyone looked up to that.

You were at your locker watching out the corner of your eye as the girl who stole and continuously broke your heart flirted with Chase Malock the quarterback for the North Shore High School football team.

You looked down sadly "Y/n she doesn't love you." Her best friend Melanie said gently rubbing your back. "Yea, I know." Your forced a tight lip smile one that Melanie knew all too well, she had seen you cry. It had happened after the loss of your mother Melanie had been in the school bathroom your were leaning in the mirror your eyes red, cheeks tear stained. When you noticed the split dyed girl enter the bathroom you wiped you cheeks and forced a smile but Melanie knew better. That's when the two of you first began to get along.

"Do i deserve this? Did i do something in a past life and this is my way of punishment?" You were so frustrated and confused you didn't even notice your friend was blocking you from being seen by the Queen bee of the school that was walking down the hallways.

"Careful y/n, you're showing emotions" Melanie said pushing her best friend to class. As she walked you to class she noticed two boys laughing at you "AY THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT?!" The two toned haired girl barked as she gave them a stern look.

Both boys gulped and scurried away. You couldn't help but giggle at her "Have i ever told you i love you Mel?" She asked looking up at her "yes all the time because, I'm awesome."

You gently punched her arm and she pouted "Ouch y/n/n!" "Oh shush crybaby"  as they walked in to class Mel held the door open for the shorter girl. "Thank you!"  You giggled and kissed Melanie's cheek.

As you both took your seats youcould see Mels little dimple as she smiled. For some you had always saw Melanie attractive yet was always afraid to act on your feelings towards your best friend.

Little did you know that your best friend felt the exact same way. As you focused on the teacher you felt her phone buzz before looking down a text from the girl you wished you could ignore.

Regina: meet me in our spot in 3 min❤️
Y/n: ill try ig...🖤

You sighed and raised your hand, "Ms Kordi can i use the bathroom?"your teacher turned around and poked out her hip at you "I don't know Ms. Y/l/n can you?"

You looked over at mel who was basically about to pounce on the older woman. "may i use to bathroom Ms.Kordi?" She nodded in approval and with that you quickly got out of your chair and headed to the room in the back of the school.

Regina was already there tapping her foot "your two minutes late cutie." The blonde said as she moved closer to you towering over you, she made you feel small at times although when she was feeling sweet she would tell you how much she thought your small stature was adorable . "R-Regina ?" You croak softly.

"Are you happy Y/n?"
"Happy with?" This was annoying you, she had pulled you away from class to start some big dramatic scene only to pretend you weren't important to her hours later. It was like clock work, she's say sappy things to make you want her then she would break your heart
By telling you were nothing to her.
"Woah I just wanted to know."
"Right, it's not like you care." You mumbled the last bit, "This was a mistake, I'm going back to class." You went to turn around only to feel your wrist being grabbed and arms wrapped tightly around your waist. "No don't go back just yet." A soft voice murmured that could have made you melt but you shook your head shaking her off of you.

"I hate you Regina." You finally build up the courage to say aloud. You could tell your words through the taller woman for a loop as she scoffed with a smile of disbelief on her face, her eyebrows making slight wrinkles in her forehead as she tilted her head.
"I'm sorry what?"
You felt small again, you didn't mean to say it out loud but she had pushed you to this. 'Don't back down y/n don't be a little bitch!' You thought to yourself it's funny that though in your head played in the voice similar to your best friend.

"I said I hate you! You broke my heart, you used me I'm not some whore you call whenever you're horny, or need someone to keep you company! I'm a human being!I'm so freaking tired of being treated like I don't matter! I want someone to actually love me! I want you to cry for me, show me that you actually want to be with me not just physically. If you can't do that then we are done here, I know people who will." You watch with each word as her face distorts.

It was an unreadable expression you couldn't quite put your finger on. You went to open the door but the door slammed shut, hands on your waist "you don't mean that." Her voice was shaken you frowned looking up at her, Her eyes were red "you don't just get to break up with me y/n. I'm Regina fucking George." You scoffed "yeah well unless you are the president I have every right to break what ever this-" you motioned between the two of you "- is off. Now get off of me." You look in her now watery eyes.

A tear fell down her cheek, this is what you wanted, right? But she wasn't crying for you she was crying because she was embarrassed and hurt you wouldn't be her toy anymore. Her hands dropped from your waist slowly before she backed away allowing you to leave the room. With a second glance, you did just that. You walked in that room a meer toy for the Queen bee and now you walked out that room as the reason she cried no longer a toy but now a free independent person.

A/n I personally hate this one 🙃

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