Little Ariana

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You gritted your teeth as you felt your first contraction. You were staying with your mother whilst Renee was on set for season 2 of Sex lives of college girls.  She didn't want to go because she was afraid the baby might come early, you assured her that the baby wouldn't and now it seems your wife was right again.

"Mom!" You cried out as you felt a puddle of water flood your feet, your brother was the first person to come down seeing you holding your back and the water at your feet, "shit hold on." He ran back upstairs calling for your parents. You groaned "ahhh! Mom!"

Your mother and father came down the stairs. "My water broke." You say as your dad helped you slide on your shoes, "come on we are gonna get you to the hospital. Kyle please mop this up." Your dad called up to your brother, "I wanna go!" He says "I'll come back to get you just mop this up." Your dad assured your brother as your mom lead you to the car.

The groaned in the back seat feeling another contraction coming, "FUCK!" You groan, your mom sat in the back with you as she held your hand. "Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do?" She questioned as your dad pulled off driving you to the hospital, "Renee." You cried out "I need Renee." Your mom nodded quickly dialing your wife's number, the phone went straight to voicemail, the time zone difference between North Carolina and California were different, it was still day time for her meaning she had to have still been on set, "please mom." You whimpered gently squeezing her hand as you soon felt another contraction.

Your mom kept calling, she called all the way up till you reached the emergency room, your dad walked you into the building telling the front desk lady you were going into labor, it didn't take long before you were taken to a private room to get prepped to welcome you and Renee's baby girl.

Your mom was in the room with you holding your hand the doctors prepping you for birth. But to you it felt like agony, your mom called Renee again this time hearing a hello, "Renee, hi sweetheart I don't want to alarm you but the baby is coming." Your mother says you grit your teeth  "Renee if you aren't here soon I swear to g-Ahhh!" You felt another contraction, "we are waiting for the epidural to kick in okay sweetheart you are doing great," a nurse assured you. 

"I'm booking a flight now. I'm coming baby!" Renee said through the phone, your mother hung up then gently squeezed your hand as she ran her fingers through your hair, "she's coming sweetheart it's okay." You nodded gritting your teeth, the nurse from earlier walked beside you after another one kindly asked your mother to leave. "Alright Mrs Rapp I'm gonna need you push okay." 

The birth was painful and exhausting, your daughter was born five pound six ounces, a premature baby but doctors said she was healthy which you were most grateful for.  You had been in labor for three hours and you were drained,  not to mention the born had eaten four times in the last two hours, at the moment your brother held his brand new niece while you slept. him gently rocking the little blue eyed new born as he spoke with her, your parents had gone out to get you both food.

You hear a door open making you open your eyes seeing a familiar blonde, "hi baby." Renee whispered going over to you gently kissing your forehead your eyes still slightly heavy as you gave her a soft smile "hi babe, how was the flight?" You ask as she gently pecked your lips. "It was great it was good," she looked over seeing Kyle holding a small child. "Is that her?" She cooed rolling up her sleeves and putting hand sanitizer on her hands. After she did Kyle handed the baby to Renee who immediately fell in love. "Wow, hi baby." She coo'd softly gently rocking her. "You look just like your mommy." She smiled at the cooing newborn whose eyes wandered aimlessly around the room.

"She needs a name ya know." You say smiling softly, "I wanted to wait for you before signing the birth certificate." You smiled, Renee hummed thinking "me and your mommy had three options, Riley, Y/S/N, and Ariana, which one do you like? Riley?" The baby's eyes still wandered, "Y/S/N?" Still nothing, "how about Ariana?" The baby's mouth twitched slightly into what looked like a smile, Renee smiled "well there we have it hm?" She hummed gently rocking the baby. "Ariana Y/l/n Rapp." She says smiling  you coo'd softly at the name, "little Ariana, she's precious." Renee smiled up at you.

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