The Prize from the Mysterious Treasure Box

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The "Sacred Chore Chart" had six columns with all the Daemos' head drawn in them... and mine.

"Ava, why do I have to be on your "Sacred Chore Chart"?" I made air quotes with the question.

"No complaining," she snapped. I was the only one complaining, but I'd had chores growing up and the Daemos definitely did not. They were actually fascinated by it. Idiots.

"I'm going to give you all tasks to do," Ava explained, "and each time you complete them you get a happy cat face." She held up cat face stickers. "If you can get three happy cat faces you get to pull from the treasure box." She held up a treasure box. Since she made it a competition, I was a little more intrigued to do it. 

Noi gasped. 

"What's inside?" Asch asked.

"I need to know," Leif said.

"Nope, you guys don't get to find out until you clean the house," Ava stated. "First one to clean the most gets three cat stickers, but you must keep cleaning until the house is back to the way it was."

Asch made fireballs in his hands. "I'll use my magic to-"

"No fire," Ava commanded. "No magic, no breaking things. Nothing. You have to do it the human way: with your hands."

"Pfft, fine."

"I consider this a worthy challenge," Pierce accepted. Wow, more than just "yes".

"Competition, brilliant," Rhys commented.

"This I can get into especially for a prize," Leif said.

"I can prove I'm stronger than you guys," Noi said with determination within his voice.

"Just a little bit of air? It'll make it go faster," I begged.

"No" Ava stated firmly. "Now ready? Go."

I started picking up books off the floor and stacking them on the bookshelf. Once I was done with that Ava gave me a pot and I replanted a flower and her tree in its pot. We got done in a little over half an hour. It took me a while to learn how to plant plants without using my earth magic. We all gathered around Ava and her Sacred Chore Chart. 

"Perfect. Now for the winner. Leif you've won" Ava announced. 

I knew it, see I didn't need to grow up in the kingdom to be worthy," celebrated Leif.

"Silence!" demanded Asch.

Ava put on the happy cat stickers. Asch, Noi, Pierce, Rhys, and I got one and Leif got three. "Leif, no one likes a sore winner," Ava scolded. "Now everyone else because you guys did a great job you all get one happy kitty face. Now Leif you get to pick from the treasure box."

"Alright!" Leif rushed over to the treasure box; a smile etched on his face. I was disappointed not to win, but happy for him.

He opened the treasure box and pulled out a red thing with points like a star but with only three. "Wha-what is this?" Leif asked blankly.

"Oh, uh, tha-that's a fidget spinner," Ava said.

Me and the Daemos' all gathered around Leif as he spun it. I admit it was cool and impressive, but I quickly backed out of the tight circle. Ava went back to bed, the guys watched the fidget spinner, and I sat on the couch stroking my tail.


Hi!!!! Thank you guys for all the continuous support and reads! I'm sorry I couldn't post for a while, my last computer charger broke, and it died. I don't have a phone yet and I've just been busy. I understand this chapter is shorter than usual, but I will post another one soon. Thank you all for the reads, votes, comments, and follows; it really means a lot to me. Now for a question.

Do you like the Harry Potter series and if you do, do you like Draco Malfoy?

All credit to J.K. Rowling for an amazing book series. I've recently been into Draco and other characters and was thinking of writing a fanfiction, plus my bestie just made an account and wants me to post what I already have of my draft. Just want your opinion on it.

Until next time my lovelies,

<-- Noodles out  

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