Chapter 3

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TW! Insanity and Child Abuse/Neglect


19 years ago...

The little blonde girl spoke, looking at her mother as she sat at the table with a coloring book in hand.

Her mother had soft brown hair and beautiful dark eyes like pots of golden honey. Tall, but gentle. One would seem almost scared of her at first, but the way she looked at her daughter made it seem like she wouldn't hurt a fly.

She was cooking in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of them.

"Yes my little Avan?"

"When will daddy be coming back?"
The girl said with curiosity in her voice.
He had left when she turned 2, and it had been 3 years now. Her mother didn't tell her that he was gone for good... She couldn't handle the emotion her little girl would feel to know her own father left her for some stupid 'War'.

"In a few years baby.."

She nodded with a determined smile. She didn't remember what he looked like. She was too young and still was.

Yet it warmed her heart to know that her father would return to her one day. And she could finally be happy.


10 years later


The blonde walked into the bedroom of her mother.

Her mother was rocking back and forth in a chair built by her former husband. She was singing to herself. A Nordic folklore song. The songs of her people and the tales of the mighty Vikings made her feel at peace.

"Mom.. Are you ok?"

The mothers neck snapped up to look at her daughter. Anger apparent in her eyes as she screamed out at her loving daughter.


The blonde stayed silent for a minute. Her body started to shake slightly. Her mother had a tendency to snap at her and yell whenever she got angry. Sometimes she'd lock the blonde in her bedroom for days at a time. No food, no water. Yet.. It was better than the days where she would throw stuff at her. Or slap her.

The blonde didn't blame her mother though. The toll of her husband leaving her all those years ago had finally caught up to her. She wasn't herself anymore. Having to scavenge for medicine to help calm her down. Especially once the new government took over.

Her mother seemed to have an immense hatred for one of the generals. She never said his name. He was 'that blonde bastard'.

"Mom have you taken your pills today..?"

"I don't need yer damn pills you stupid nurse!"

The blonde sighed. She shook her head and went to walk into the other room.

But that was when she heard it.

Someone breaking in.

Years ago when she was younger, her mother had built a hidden bunker for 'the impending apocalypse'. It was an escape plan for her and her mom if the worst were to happen.

She rushed to her mother, grabbing her arm and whispering.

"We need to go! Someone is here we have to hi-"

Her mother then slapped her, knocking her daughter to the ground before she yelled.


Voices could be heard from across the house. They were coming to investigate the shouting.

The blonde had to move quick.

She ran across the house and into the bathroom, grabbing the corner of the rug and hastily revealing the hatch.

She went in and closed and locked the hatch behind her, covering her mouth as she stepped back.

There was food to last her months. Even years.

So that's what she did.

She stayed in that bunker for 5 years. All alone. Time ticked by as she collected her thoughts and reminisced.

She wanted to leave. To make sure her mother was ok.

But when she was little she promised her mom that if she ever had to go in there that she wouldn't leave until she ran out of food.

Eventually the time had come. She finished the last ration and joy had filled her..but also uneasiness. Was her mother still alive? She prayed she was. To any god that would listen to her. When she left the bunker, the house seemed to be severely decayed. Starting to grow plants and moss.

Her steps were slow, and her breath was heavy. She was making her way to her mother's bedroom.

Step. Step. Step.

The door slowly creaked open. The smell that came from the room almost brought her to her knees.

She was brought to her knees though. Not because of the smell.

But because of her mother's rotten skeleton sitting in the chair she last saw her in.

Tears filled her eyes as she shuddered and inhaled sharply.


Her whole body felt weak. Everything had gone wrong. Her life was gone. Her mother was gone. Everything was gone.

She felt empty. Yet full of emotion all at the same time.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to sob into her mother's arm at all the pain she felt.

Yet she didn't have a mother anymore.

All that remained was her bones and her cross necklace, still on her skeleton.

The blonde grabbed the necklace gently and put it on her own neck.

This wasn't going to fly for her.

Down with the government. Down with the world. She will survive and carry on the legacy of her mother.

And she will find her father and make him regret every life choice he made.


Fuck.. I'm not crying you are. It's ok. Let it all out. LET IT OUT-


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