Chapter 6

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Chapter Warning:
Daddy Kink, heavy violence (hehe), blood.


"So your name is Cain?"

Cain nodded in silence as they walked home from the hideout.

"That's a coincidence"

The ground was littered with puddles of water. In the hour and a half they had been gone from 'home', it had rained.

"My mother used to call me Avan..."

Her voice seemed quieter as she said that. Her usual demeanor seemed gone. Something in what she said hurt her.

Cain took notice, sparing a glance to check on her momentarily.
She quickly chuckled after a second and raised her voice back to its normal tone and volume.

"According to one of the dead Sea scrolls from VEEERRRRYY ancient times, Avan, or Awan, was the wife of Cain."

Cain rolled his eyes. He decided it was best to play along. It was clear to him that mentioning her mom had struck a nerve, yet she was playing it off like it was nothing. He decided to take one step closer to her, just to signal to her that he was here for her.

Minutes passed, and they were almost to the apartment to begin their JOYOUS ascent up the long winding stairs. Ava wasn't looking forward to it.

Lucky for her, something stopped them.

It was a voice. One that made her heart sink.

"Oh wow... Ava?" Said a man.

"It's been years. Love what you did with the hair baby doll~"

His voice was higher than average for a man, you could tell just from the tone that he thought he was better than everyone. He was short, only about an inch taller than Ava. His hair was dirty blonde and he had glasses. With him were two people who appeared to be his friends, much taller than him but not very intimidating.

"I'm sorry who are you? You must have the wrong person, I'm sorry..have a nice da-"

"Now now Avan, is that any way to treat your boyfriend?"

She stopped in her tracks. Seeing the confusion on Cain's face, and almost disappointment too... It pissed her off.. Big time.

She stepped in front of Cain, crossing her arms as her voice changed to one of anger.

"Alex you know damn well I broke up with you when we were like 14"

"Baby doll you can't say you haven't missed me. I certainly missed you... And WOW. You've gotten hotter. Look at those tits you got."

Cain's face turned to one of disgust as he listened to the conversation. He started to pull out his rifle, but Avan turned and signaled for him to lower it.

"Mind doing a quick turn around for me baby doll?"

"How about I take my pistol and shove it up your ass."

Alex started to chuckle. It quickly got cut off by Ava's next words.

"Oh wait.. You like getting things shoved up there anyways."
She said with a smirk, causing Cain to snicker at her words.

"Why you little BITCH-"

Alex was enraged and embarrassed. As a response, he lunged towards her.

Didn't go very well for him though, as when he threw a punch she crouched to dodge it, taking the opportunity to punch him in the groin as hard as she could.

He fell to his knees, wincing in pain as he tried his best to cover the area of impact. His voice cracked as he spoke.

"My bAlls-"

She stood up and dusted off her shirt.

As she turned to leave, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him.

Cain almost blew his lid, but he wanted to see how Ava would handle the situation.

Ava put on a fake sultry face and turned to look at him, bending down to be at eye level with him.

"Oh daddy~ Did you really miss me this much?"

She bit her lip.

"You better believe it baby doll.. Now why don't you leave the zero and get with h-"


Ava had plunged her knife right into his chest. A wicked grin grew on her face. One of satisfaction.

"See Alex.. My life was already messed up once I turned 10. Those 2 years I was with you as a teen? When you hurt me so much?"

Blood was being caught in the throat. He was struggling to breathe.

"This is what it felt like. Being stabbed in the heart. And when I finally left you?"

She pulled out the knife, blood spurting all over her clothes. He fell to the ground as life left his body. His two friends stood there in shock as they decided it was best to high tail it out of there.

"That's what it felt like."
She blew the now dead Alex a kiss, turning to Cain with a big smile.

"Ruined my favorite tank top. Do you have a shirt I can borrow?"

Cain had a very faint smile on his face.

Honestly that was kind of hot to him.

He chuckled and started to make his way to the apartment steps. Ready to make the ascent and finally rest for the day.

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