Chapter 5

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Yuma and Ava were telling stories to each other while Ava was getting her hair done. They were laughing and laughing about everything they said.

"Gosh Sugar! You really are a badass."

"I could say the same about you. I never even thought about wearing a mask while in battle."

"It definitely comes in handy other than making me a badass sugar. People can't see where I'm looking or what I'm feeling. It gives me the upper hand in battle. No showing weakness."

Ava sighed. She couldn't help but think about all of her previous fights.

The day she found out she was wanted. That was the day she figured she would never back down from a fight again. Yet she knew she needed to hide.

So she had found the nearest abandoned hair salon and grabbed all the dye she could. Her hair was too thick. She only had so much brown dye, so she went to the next best thing.


"So is blue your favorite color sugar?"

"Hm..? Oh not really my favorite is black. It's the only dye I could find at the time and I was desperate to hide."

Yuma looked at her.

"Well once I'm done with your hair, Cain is gonna be making googly eyes at your beauty! Gosh your hair is so thick and pretty and just stunning."

Ava blushed at her words. The man looking at her in a way other than seriousness and aggression..?

'Not necessarily a bad thing I suppose.'

She decided to play it off.

"Pfffttt as if HE would ever even get a chance with me. He's got his rifle too far up in his own ass."

"True. But he isn't all seriousness yknow.. He used to be a real sweetheart at times. Wasn't until after the war."

Ava just stared at her reflection in the mirror. Seeming un-phased. In her mind her head was racing though. She only learned his name an hour ago.

She didn't know a single thing about him. Not even what he sounded like.

So why was her mind racing?

"Well Sugar I'd say I'm all done with your hair!"

Looking in the mirror, Ava had a big smile. Her hair looked soft and fluffy. Yuma trimmed it a bit but it was still down to her butt in length. The volume of her hair was large but not too much, and the way it bounced when she moved seemed almost heavenly.

"Oh my god. This is beautiful Yuma I can't thank you enough-!" Ava smiled, Jumping out of the chair and giving Yuma a big hug.

"Oh sugar no need to thank me! It's what I do. By the way.. If you ever want some tips as to how to catch Cain's attention, just let me know~"

Chuckling, she walked with Yuma back to the main room.


She yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room, including Cain.

He had been listening to his friend talk for the past hour about his life and how hiding had been.

Nothing too new I suppose. Yet he didn't talk back. Typical Cain.

When he looked at Ava though, and how big her smile was. He found it hard to stop staring for a moment. Shaking his head he stood up and started to walk out, moving his rifle and placing it back into the holster behind his back.

Ava knew they were leaving, so she gave Yuma one final hug on the way out.

Yuma waved happily

"Come back any time Sugar!"

Ava waved like a happily little toddler.


She walked out with a big smile. Out of earshot, Yuma looked to her friend beside her.

"Those two would make an amazing couple if Cain would stop being a pussy and talked to her."

The friend sighed.

"I know."

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