Chapter 13

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"General Verl?"

A man sat in his office, his beard gray, yet eerily neat and tidy, with blonde sleek hair. He huffed angrily and looked up from his paperwork, an annoyed expression clear on his face.

"What is it Daniel?"

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"What is it Daniel?"

"Cain has been spotted leaving the city a week ago in a white van..."

His eyebrow raised, he lifted his head with a intrigued look.

"Was anyone with him?"

"A woman, sir."


General Verl sighed.


The solider seemed scared, having taken a step back due to the generals deep and brooding voice.

"We don't know where they went-"

A chuckle was all the general let out, looking down at his paperwork with an evil smile.

"I know EXACTLY where they are."


Ava was across the room, cooking canned beans for the both of them. They had been in the Bunker for a week now, and since the night they shared, they had grown even closer, yet still..Cain was an asshole. Speaking of, he sniffed the air, a disgusted look on his face.

"Beans again?"

"Deal with it, we have nothing else to eat and YOU won't let me go back into the city."

Cain glared at her angrily, seeming to be even more protective of her than before.

"They are looking for you Ava. AND me."

"So? They can kiss my ass."

"That's my job."

A squeak came out of her mouth, her head turning quickly towards him. Her face visibly red as she glared at him, as he was making a sly expression, knowing EXACTLY what he was doing.



"I can't believe ya..."

Cain stood up and stretched, smirking to himself. He walked over to her, placing a hand on her waist and kissing her neck, spurring a shudder from her.

"You still put up with me anyways."

"I'm starting to wish you were still silent."

"Yeaaah but you talked too much when I was."


Hours had passed, they ate their meals and talked about life before the war. At least, Ava did. Cain still hadn't told her anything about his past..Other than being in league with her father. It made her uneasy. Not knowing if he could still fully be trusted. She had practically seen every inch of his body, yet only a fraction of his thoughts.

Cain was still rather quiet, other than the times he was being an asshole. He'd stare at her though, sometimes she could tell he was doing it without thought. Other times... He seemed like he was planning something. The way he looked at her made it look like he was in pain during those times. Like there was something he wanted to say... Or do. Yet he couldn't.

The truth was, he knew they wouldn't be able to stay there much longer. Jack was probably already sending troops as they spoke.



Ava was laying in bed, braiding her hair with the singular ponytail she had.
She saw the look in his eyes, and it worried her.

"Are ya alright...?"

He said silent for a moment, trying his best to avoid eye contact.

"We need to get out of here soon..."

"How soon?"

Suddenly, the muffled sounds of trucks pulling up filled the air. Car doors opening and guns being loaded, along with faint voices of men and women.



Hello yes I am back 😌

Was waiting for spring break- along with trying to put together filler for the story- I'm still trying to get to at least chapter 20 before the story ends.

That being said, I've been getting lots of positive feedback, and it's stuff like that that makes me want to keep writing.

Hope you enjoy the artwork for today's chapter too. You can thank shunn for that. 💜

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