Chapter 8

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6 months Later


Ava laid on the mattress as she tossed and turned for hours, grumbling from the discomfort.

"Stupid fucking mattress-"

6 months had passed since the Alex ordeal. Yet Cain still hasn't spoken a word. They just sat there all the time, staring blankly and thinking to themselves about random things.

Ava was growing rather tired of it though. She slowly sat up and grunted looking at him. Rubbing her eyes lazily.

" been just sitting there this whole time?"

Cain stayed Silent. As always. He paid no mind to her either. It was frustrating... Ever since Alex he had warmed up a bit more, but the silence was deafening to her.

Sighing, she pushed herself to stand up, grabbing her knife and letting her usual messy bun down, her blue and brown hair falling to frame and hide her face slightly. They had visited Yuma and the other vets recently again, so her hair was soft, silky, and freshly dyed.

"You're gonna have to talk one of these days. I'm getting tired of this man.."

Cain simply glanced at her for a moment before returning to his usual rifle cleaning. She shook her head and sat across from him on the couch, crossing her arms.

"Another day of just sitting and doing nothing then?"

Yet again, silence.

"Cain I'm not just gonna sit here in silence. It's maddening. I don't know about you but I'm gonna scout out nea-"

Cain shot a bullet right beside her head.

Startled, she jumped up as her body shook violently.


He grunted heavily, and then placed his rifle back on its hostler as he approached the door, walking out.

"Something is up with Cain.." She uttered under her breath.

'He seems more.. Protective?'


A few hours passed by before Cain came back. He was holding a box filled with canned food and a few beers.

Ava was asleep on the couch. Knowing him she knew he was gonna be gone for a few hours. She didn't want to risk getting shot by him again if she went out without his permission, so she simply napped to pass the time.

Cain went over and dropped the beer on the floor by where her head rested, causing her to wake up out of reflex and pull out her knife as quickly as she could.

Once she saw it was only him, she immediately calmed down.

"Jesus fuck you scared me..Thanks for the food I guess though.."

As she spoke, Cain sat down and went back to cleaning his rifle.

Typical Cain.

She picked up a beer and popped it open, taking a swig and kicking her legs back on the couch.

"You kill anyone for this shit?"

Cain grew a faint smile, it was apparent he did, and he felt proud of it.

Shaking her head, she gave him an exhausted glare.

"I don't see why I couldn't have gotten the supplies. Honestly I'm fucking tired of sitting here and collecting dust."

He ignored her.

Oh boy that pissed her off.. Big time.

She stood up, raising her voice.


“Sit back down before I make you regret ever opening your mouth.”

Holy shit.

Cain talked.

His voice was deep and brooding. Somehow smooth but also raspy at the same time.

She was in utter shock. It was surreal to her. Months of nothing and then just..the hottest voice she ever heard. Regardless of said voice threatening her. She shook her head and looked at him.

"You wouldn't do shit to me. Wouldn't want to lose the only thing keeping ya company would ya? Ain't that all I'm good for?"

He shot a bullet right by her head, snagging a piece of hair in the process.

She screeched out, kicking him in the leg before sitting back down.

“Calm was just the tip you melodramatic dumb ass.”

She snarled at his words, crossing her arms in the process.

"First of all, you are wasting your fucking bullets."

Cain rolled his eyes.

"Secondly, that's what she said."

The HEAVIEST sigh in the world was let out by Cain.

“You are one immature asshole you know that?”
He said as he tried to ignore her.

"Then why keep me here if you dislike it so much."

She laid down on the couch, trying to steady her heartbeat from the gunshot.

He stayed silent for a moment. He didn't really know, and he surely didn't know how to explain that to her.

"None of your business."

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