Chapter 15

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Ava practically dragged Cain through the tunnel, being sure to leave no trace, even cleaning up a blood trail and pulling the bed back over the hatch as much as she could.

Eventually they made their way to the hidden base he talked about.

It was much bigger than the first base they were at. Almost endless hallways, A decent sized kitchen, multiple rooms.

Cain spoke weakly as Ava placed him on a couch to assess his wounds, taking off his shirt and pants and only leaving his underwear on, letting her see the damage done.

"This used to an underground base some rich couple made about a century ago.... We filled it with supplies for-"

"Noo shh shh don't speak. You. Need. Rest."

He grumbled and closed his eyes as she was digging in a cabinet for a first aid kit. Once she found out, she went back over to him and started looking in the wounds for bullets.

Eventually she extracted the bullets, but he was still bleeding. She sighed, digging in her bag for a lighter.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch Cain..."

He only grunted in response, preparing himself for the pain he was about to feel.

Lighting the lighter, Ava began to cauterize the wounds and stop the bleeding, a worried look in her eyes as she could see how hard he was struggling to not make a sound of pain. Regardless, he audibly winced, gritting his teeth.

Once she was done, Cain tried to sit up, groaning as Ava gently pushed him back down.

"Absolutely not Cain. You are not moving until your wounds have had at least a few days to heal."

He grumbled, being too weak to argue with her.

"Now... Is there a room where I can send telegrams...?"


Knock Knock Knock!

Ava opened the entrance to the base.

"Oh Sugar! I came here as fast as I could!"

"Yuma.. It's so good to see you."

"Don't mention it sugar! The SECOND you mentioned what had happened I had to grab my stuff and rush here! May I come in?"

Ava stepped aside, allowing Yuma to take a step in, sighing as 2 of her friends followed behind her.

"Gee sugar... You don't realize how it feels for me to be back here.

Yuma was holding a bag of supplies, so was her friends.

"You mentioned you were a bit under the weather, so I brought ya a few things."

She held out the bag to Ava, a wide-eyed expression growing on Ava's face as she looked in and saw a pregnancy test as one of the items.

"Oh Yuma I don't think there's a need fo-"

"Sugar How long has it been?"

"Excuse me?"

"How long has it been?"

"....2 and a half weeks"

Yuma chuckled.

"Knowing Cain, your chances of having a little crotch goblin growing in you is extremely high."

Ava sighed heavily, shaking her head and turning to close the door and lock it.

Yuma and her friends went to one of the bedrooms, where Cain was laying. He had pants on, but his chest was covered in bandages.

"Gee Sugar you look ROUGH."

Cain grumbled, turning his head to see Yuma.

"Why are you here."

"To take care of you and Ava! Like a little sleepover. I brought Kay with me...Say hi Kay!"

A man dressed in bounty hunter like attire waved hesitantly.

Ava stepped in while this was happening, side-eyeing Yuma a bit as she crossed her arms.

"So, how long are you staying?", said Cain.

He seemed confused as to why Ava was giving a look of frustration, but also nervousness.

"Well sugar I was hoping to stay here for at least a few days... We both know there's plenty of bedrooms for that."

Yuma was right. The place was like a maze, and even Ava would get lost a few times.

"Get cozy I guess..."

Ava said with hesitancy in her voice.


Uh oh 👀

Is she preggie?

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