marry me (sadiya x dean)

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Sadiya's POV
After the lessons.I came out with Dean on my tail.
Dean: where are you heading?I can drive you home.
Sadiya: it's not needed , and fyl ,we Muslim lower our gazes when we meet the opposite sex,whom we are not related to or married to.

Dean: that's very hard for me.
Sadiya:why ?
Dean: it's because you are very beautiful.
(The world just stopped,when he said that.I just froze )

Sadiya:so,you are only here because of my beauty, and not because of Islam?
Dean:no,am interested in Islam but am more interested in you.
Sadiya:for a Muslim, your religion comes first before anything else.

Dean: then,teach me to put Islam first.I got intrigued when I first saw you.I always wondered why munira dressed like that, and why she lead a quiet Life,then I met you, making my interest grow bigger,because you dressed the same way as her, and I often saw you at mosque.

You showed alot of devotion,to me it was a little too much.because I had to accompany munira atleast five times to the mosque, and I would always see you there.

I wondered why you two showed so much devotion to God.Am not a religious person at all,but your devotion to your religion got my interest.

And when munira preached to the people at the mosque,I got a little educated, especially when I realised that they were supposed to treat you,a divorecee like a normal human being.

I want to learn more.I can do it way better through you as I have grown interested in you.

Sadiya:I told you,you are a man and am a woman,we can't be close to each other.
Dean:then marry me.

(I was caught off guard by what he said .he wants to marry me? what if it's just out wanting Islam?as if he was reading my mind,he spoke)

Dean;I want to marry you, because I like you,alot.I would say love but it's way too soon for that.So sadiya, will you marry me?

Munira's POV
I had received a message from an unknown number.

"It warms to hear you say , you are proud to be my wife.I  am very proud of you. We will soon meet again, love angelo"

How did he know?I don't think Dean was the one who told him.He is close by,I can feel it.

2months passed,I was now nine months pregnant.Angelo still didn't know about it.I tried calling the number and texting him,but to no avail because he kept changing his phone number and would block me.

I had checked in at the hospital,to prepare for my child's birth.Sadiya and Dean were filling in the forms.

They wanted to get married within the two months that past,but her parents were against it.

Those two, sorry to say,are hypocrites.

The doctor came in.This was a different doctor.I had never seen him before.

Doc: good morning,am doctor Stefan.

I had a weird feeling about this doctor.

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