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Any typos, I'll fix laterrrr🤘🏼💋

"Ryan! You were incredible!" Jude and Amiyah exclaimed, wrapping me in hugs backstage.

"And I couldn't agree more."

I turned, astonished, as Mariah Carey stood before me.

"Miss Mariah Carey? Oh my gosh, what an honor to perform for you! You're everything!"

"Oh, please, call me Mariah, dawling. But can we go somewhere private to talk?"

"Ok, Ry, we're gonna head out, we'll talk later," Jude said, leaving with Amiyah.

"We can go into my dressing room," I suggested.

"Mariah, first, I want to express how your music helped me through some of my darkest moments, making me feel alive again."

"Awww, I'm thankful to hear that. I wrote some of those songs when I was in a dark place."

I couldn't contain my excitement; I was so star-struck.

"Talking about my music is not why I wanted you alone. When I handpicked you to sing for me, I had my team relay the message to choose whatever song you wanted, and you chose 'My All' out of all the songs I've recorded. The way you sang it, the emotion you felt, when I saw the tears fall, I said to myself I've got to talk to her. It's almost as if the man you were singing about was sitting right in front of you."

I swear Mariah was seeing right through me. I battled myself internally, should I confess to her or should I keep the secret to myself?

"It's because he was. I look up and the man who I had an affair with, the man who I'm still in love with, was right there, sitting in front of me, while my husband was on the other side watching. He knows I was singing about someone else, I saw his body tense up. Oh my goodness Mariah, I didn't mean to unload that on you."

"Hey, you're alright, and being pregnant probably intensifies your emotions. But I really think you should express how you feel. It's not fair to you or your husband to stay in a marriage just to make him happy. You owe that to yourself and your little baby," Mariah said, gently caressing my belly.

"I love my husband, I really do, but the way the other guy makes me feel is indescribable. I want to be with him all the time and I don't feel that with my husband. In these past 7 months, Keith and I have made progress in our marriage, but I'm in love with another man. Quincy is the one for me." I gasped, realizing I had accidentally let his name slip.

"Quincy? The guy that presented tonight? Kim Porter's son?"

"Yes," I confessed. And I saw him here with another woman, and I got so upset on that stage. I'm a married woman, and I got upset because a man I broke it off with, brought someone else besides me to this event."

"You have a great head on your shoulders and I know you'll make the best decision for you and your baby's future. Remember, it's all about the child. You take care of yourself honey and this stays between us." She winked.

I breathed a sigh of relief when she said that, she opened the door to leave and there stood Quincy looking so damn good with his date on his arm.

"Mariah!" Kelcy screamed and I rolled my eyes. I knew that was Kelly's twin sister who I met back in New York.

"Kelcy, calm down!"

"I'm sorry! I just love you!" Kelcy exclaimed.

"I love you too." Mariah said swiftly walking back to her event.

"Yo, Kelcy, give us a minute?" Quincy demanded.

"That's not a good idea, Keith is here." I replied.

"Whatever, Kelcy, stick around. Ryan, I gotta say, your performance was fire, you look incredible in that dress, pregnant and all."

"Quincy, I-" I started.

"Nah, hold up." He grabbed my face. "I know you feel the same way I do, but real talk, we're better off doing our own thing. I didn't know about you and Keith having a baby, so it's best for the kid to have both parents."

"Quincy, no. I love you." I finally confessed as the tears shed.

He wiped my tears, like déjà vu from seven months ago during his cookout when I cut things off.

"I can't deal with this. Can y'all just kiss and make up already?" Kelcy interrupted.

"Kelcy, zip it," Quincy ordered.

"Fine, I'm out. My lips are sealed, but hurry up. I got work in the morning. I'll be your lookout while y'all sort this out," Kelcy said, stepping out.

"Ryan, I love you too, and as sexy as you look in that dress, I want you right now. But I ain't waiting for you to divorce your man forever. Not fair to me."

"So, you moved on with Kelcy? Bringing her here to flex on me?" I asked, frustrated, walking away.

"No, Kelcy's a whole lesbian, I mean she's a straight nigga." Quincy said chuckling, I was shocked because I never knew.

"Wow, uhh, ok. Quincy I'm just asking you to wait for me." I pleaded.

"Ry-bug, I want you happy, but I ain't risking getting hurt again. I'm always gonna love and be here for you." He grabbed my face, planting a soft kiss on my lips I wanted him so bad, but it was a risk with Keith being here.

"Take care, and Happy Valentine's Day." Those were his parting words before he bounced, leaving my heart completely shattered.

———————————————Thoughts? Quincy gave her a taste of her own medicine right after confessing her love🤦🏽‍♀️ shady!!I PROMISE I'm going to start reading everyone's books, I'm just trying to finish these projects up! Haha! If there's typos, I'll fix...

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Thoughts? Quincy gave her a taste of her own medicine right after confessing her love🤦🏽‍♀️ shady!!
I PROMISE I'm going to start reading everyone's books, I'm just trying to finish these projects up! Haha! If there's typos, I'll fix them later ✌🏼
Song: Confessions- Destiny's Child

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