❤️‍🔥21 Questions❤️‍🔥

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"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You're pregnant," Dr. Lee reiterated.

Silent, I attempted to process the news, my mind flooded with questions. How had I allowed this to happen? Keith and I had numerous unresolved issues before considering bringing a child into our world.

"Mrs. Powers, are you alright?" Dr. Lee's inquiry pulled me out of my contemplation.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just shocked."

"This is wonderful news!"

"I know! I'm so excited! Keith will be thrilled!" I feigned enthusiasm, masking the fear that lurked within me, desperate to break down and cry. I was scared shitless.

"I'll be right back." Dr. Lee said swiftly exiting the room. That gave me about 5 minutes to just think.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" I asked myself, holding back tears.

After she came back and setup, Dr. Lee turned to me with a reassuring smile. "Alright, Mrs. Powers, let's have a look at your baby. Based on your last menstrual cycle , you're about eight weeks pregnant, nearing the end of your first trimester and entering the second."

"8 weeks!?!" I asked in shock again.

"Mrs. Powers, please calm down."

Images appeared on the screen, but my focus was scattered. There it was, a tiny, pulsating flicker, a heartbeat that should have brought joy, but my thoughts were consumed by the crumbling state of my marriage and everything else I had going on.

"There it is, your baby's heartbeat. Strong and steady."

I forced a weak smile, struggling to mask the emotions bubbling beneath the surface,

"That's... that's my baby?"

Dr. Lee nodded in a professional demeanor, "Yes, and over here, you can see the developing limbs and the beginnings of facial features. Everything seems to be progressing well."

I nodded absently, my mind elsewhere.  "I appreciate the information. If you don't mind, could we discuss this further? I have a lot of questions.

Dr. Lee eventually finished the procedure, turning off the equipment with a gentle click.

"Alright, we're done here, Ryan. Take a moment, and we can talk about anything on your mind."

A flood of questions overwhelmed me, and I couldn't help but blurt out my confusion.

"Dr. Lee, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. How is it possible that I didn't know I'm damn near 8 weeks pregnant?"

Dr. Lee, sensing my distress, took a moment before responding. "It's not uncommon, Ryan. Some women may not experience typical early pregnancy symptoms, or those signs can be attributed to other factors. It's essential to remember that each person's experience is unique. If you didn't have reason to suspect, it's understandable."

"But 8 weeks... How did I miss it? I feel so lost." I was so confused.

"It can be surprising, and emotions can be overwhelming. Stress, changes in routine, or irregular cycles can contribute to not recognizing the signs. What's important now is to focus on your well-being and discuss any concerns you have moving forward."

"I mean, I have been under a lot of stress and I did notice some changes. I've been really sensitive to certain foods and smells, but I never thought it could be pregnancy."

"Changes in taste and smell can indeed be early signs. It's not uncommon for these symptoms to be overlooked or attributed to other factors."

"I appreciate your understanding, Dr. Lee. But I need to understand more. What should I expect now, considering I've just found out?"

"Of course, Ryan. Now that we know you're around 8 weeks along, we'll discuss your options moving forward. This includes prenatal care, lifestyle adjustments, and any decisions you may need to make."

"And my marriage... I didn't plan for any of this. How do I even begin to talk about it with my husband?"

Navigating these conversations can be challenging. Open communication is crucial. If you feel comfortable, expressing your thoughts and emotions honestly can be a good starting point."

"I never imagined facing all of this. How can I handle the stress, especially with everything else going on in my life?" I wanted to cry, but I held my composure.

"It's understandable that this might feel overwhelming. Creating a support system, whether it's friends, family, or counseling services, can be invaluable. We'll also discuss ways to manage stress and prioritize your well-being throughout this journey."

"I'm just not ready for any of this. What if I'm not prepared to become a parent right now?"

"It's completely normal to feel that way, Ryan. It's important to take things one step at a time and make decisions that align with your life circumstances."

"I want to emphasize that managing stress is crucial, especially during pregnancy. It's important for the well-being of both you and the baby. We'll work together to find strategies to reduce stress and create a supportive environment."

"Thank you, Dr. Lee." I said getting from the exam table.

"Of course, Ryan. You're not alone."

Leaving Dr. Lee's office, heading to my parents house, I felt a mix of emotions under the warm summer sun. Deciding it was time to go home to have this conversation with my husband, I reflected on the possibility that a baby might be what Keith and I needed to heal our marriage.

Thoughts? I PROMISE I'm going to start reading everyone's books, I'm just trying to finish these projects up! Haha! If there's typos, I'll fix them later ✌🏼
Song: 21 Questions- 50 Cent

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