❤️‍🔥Walk Away❤️‍🔥

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Any typos, I'll fix laterrrr🤪

"So, let me get this straight," Quincy said, rubbing his chin. "He attacked you because you confessed your love for me and not him?"

A tear slid down my cheek as I cried silently. My mom, reading my emotions, held my gaze, and I couldn't look away.

"That's not why he hit her," my mom stated, catching Quincy's attention before returning his focus to me.

"Why did he hit you, then? Tell me," Quincy demanded.

Jude suggested, "Maybe you two need some privacy."

I mustered the courage to speak, "No, stay, please."

"Princess, just tell us," my father urged, growing impatient.

"Um, Keith didn't lash out because I confessed my love for you, Quincy. He lashed out because," I paused, taking a deep breath.

"'Cause what?" Quincy asked, wiping away my tears while my mom sat beside me, offering her support.

"It's about my baby. Quincy, you're the father." The hospital room fell into a heavy silence. It felt like a weight had been lifted, yet an undeniable tension lingered in the air.

Quincy was silent, Jude's mouth hung open, the twins were in shock, the detectives exchanged glances and took notes, my dad rubbed his temples, and my mom continued to hold my hand for support.

Quincy's face tightened with a mix of shock and frustration, silently absorbing the revelation. Without a word, he rose from my hospital bed and left the room.

As the door closed, I couldn't contain my tears, pleading softly for him to stay,  "Quincy! Please!"

Jude, attempting to offer comfort, said, "Give him some time, Ryan. It's a lot to take in."

My mom, sensing my emotional struggle, added, "We're here for you, sweetheart. He needs some space right now."

"Mom, I love him and I just fucked everything up...again." I continued to cry in my mother's arms, finding solace in her comforting presence. Kelcy and my dad hurried after Quincy, attempting to address the situation.

DJ and Kelly stayed by my side, offering their support. DJ assured me, "We gotchu Ry."

The hospital room became a mix of emotions, with tension thick in the air. Jude shared comforting words while my mom held me close, understanding the pain in my heart.

Outside the room, Quincy grappled with the unexpected news. Kelcy said, "Quincy, bro, let's have a chat. It's a lot to wrap your head around."

My dad added, "We're all here for each other. Ryan needs you right now."

Song: Walk Away - Paula

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