Episode 4 Part 4: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 2

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A/N: this is the second part and the finale of this two parter and Episode 4 as a whole.

-some minutes later after Shido had cooled off and began planning with James-

Shido finally re-entered the Fraxinus bridge, finally calm but still pissed with James trailing behind.

The blunette failed to get Yoshinon from the AST, making the mission to seal Yoshino a crapton more difficult, and the worst part is James getting involved in it making things worse. The silver lining is at least James gave a suggestion which lead to both of them making a plan just in case it goes to hell.

"Shido! have you finally calmed down now?" asked Kotori walking towards Shido who made a small nod. "Whew. that's a relief..." muttered the red-head clearly relieved as Shido was clearly furious a few minutes ago. "I've calmed down enough. James was able to help." said Shido as James just smirked slightly in response.

"It's a shame the AST interrupted you this time, but it seems you managed to build up quite a bond in that short time. Good work Shido." Reine had finally caught up to the relieved Kotori, looking sleepy as always. 'What's with those eyebags of hers?' thought James taking one glance at Reine and clearly was weirded out. 'Either she sleeps late or constantly works her ass off and is in constant need of coffee, neither probablity is good.' James added clearly thinking and unaware his assumptions were very wrong.

"Yeah. i think we should get that puppet of hers back right now, she's pretty attached to it and getting it back might help in sealing her." suggested Shido as James made a small nod. 'This day keeps on getting weirder and weirder...i'll get my answers soon enough.' thought the black haired 17 year old clearly wanting answers from the blunette.

Reine looked at Shido strangely when he made the suggestion. "You're suprisingly capable. do you have some experience with this sort of stuff?" asked the pale blue and silver haired woman looking at Shido with a piercing gaze.

"Err...well...i..." Shido stammered as James quickly went to the rescue. "It's easy, a lot of young kids get attached to something their parents give them, like a stuffed toy for example." James explained with a nonchalant yet friendly tone. "And how so? do you know why?" Reine asked clearly not fully convinced. "I used to work in a day-care, i've seen and done this before. Are you satisfied?" replied James a bit miffed. "Hmm...i see...Shido, next time when you are going on a date, if Mr Ryukishigami is in the area, head to him for assistance." hummed Reine accepting James' response. "Thanks Reine...at least James will provide some helpful advice rather than the usual..." muttered Shido relieved while taking a small jab at Kotori and the others. "Hey! what's that supposed to mean!?" Kotori yelled in indiginant anger. "None of yer damn business..." James spat as Kotori grumbled.

"Are you three now done? Now i have something to say, we've managed to find the location of the puppet." said Reine coughing to gain attention. "Really!? Where?" Shido asked clearly worried. "Please tell the info ma'am." said James politely as Reine nodded. 'This boy really might be of use...well i hope his assistance would help me reach my goals even easier...Shinji please wait for me...' thought Reine somewhat relieved.

"It appears that one of the AST brought it along with them. You already know her, the girl named Origami Tobiichi. She's in your class isn't she Shin? Why don't you and James go get it from her?" Reine explained as James gulped as he looked at Shido. 'Something tells me this won't go well...' he thought worriedly as Shido began to pale greatly.

Shido's heart sank deep within his chest while his soul almost escaped his body. He remembered his first visit to Origami's apartment in the original timeline. It was a harrowing experience, with him being able to miraculously keep his 'purity' intact after the visit, albeit barely. The fact that he was going to do it again made him want to die out of sheer fright. Thankfully, James accompanying him might help a bit.

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