It Takes Two to Make Two

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   Everything was kind of in a haze. For instance, I didn’t remember even entering the restaurant. But all of a sudden I was sitting at the end of the table, staring at a plate of fries and a chicken sandwich.

  And, to my horror, when I looked up from said plate, hazel eyes were fixed immediately on mine, at the other end of the table. I raised a brow. In my heart and mind, I knew it was Liam. But appearance wise…..I never would have known. There was no trace of southern on him. His sun bleached, chestnut hair was darker, almost black, his face scruffy. He looked older; like twenty something. Instead of the usual flannel and Wranglers, he wore black leather pants, a dark blue V-neck T-shirt, and a leather jacket. He looked completely different…..his eyes were cold and hard. He looked almost….bitter…even through that smug smirk he wore.

  I got up, without excusing myself, and walked to the end of the seemingly endless table. Two girls on either side of Liam were trying desperately to get his attention, but his eyes followed mine. I reached down, grasping his hand, before turning around. He stood, following me out of the restaurant. We didn’t say anything, and his fingers never tightened around mine.

  I took him to the back of the restaurant, and we just stood there, leaning against the wall. It wasn’t long before Liam took out a cigarette, lit, and inhaled it.

  My eyes widened a little bit. “You smoke?” I asked quietly.

  He nodded emotionlessly. His eyes found mine and he smirked arrogantly. “Why? You don’t like smoking?”

  As though to prove him wrong, I snatched his cigarette and inhaled. I had never smoked before, and I was immediately glad I didn’t start coughing or puking. I handed him back the cigarette. “What’s wrong with you, anyway?”

  “What d’you mean?” he asked lazily, taking another drag out of his cigarette.

  I shrugged, looking away so he wouldn’t see the hurt in my face. “I dunno…..You’re just…different, I guess.”

  He snorted a laugh. “An you never change.”

  I gave him a sharp look. “What’s that s’posed to mean?”

  He sighed, stepping in front of me, inches away. He put his hands on the wall on either side of my head, leaning in a little. “You’re still exactly the same….” he said softly.

  I swallowed thickly, even as the smoke from the cigarette still in his fingers burned my eyes. But then Liam closed the remaining gap between us, kissing me hard and passionately. It wasn’t at all like his first kiss; sweet and longing. This was just….I dunno, but I got the sense of hate.

  I clung to him, pulling his body into me, kissing him deeply. I didn’t care if he didn’t have the same feelings for me he’d once had. All I knew was I wanted him close, and I never wanted him to leave again.

   I woke with a start. It took me a few minutes to realize it was only a dream, and I breathed a thick sigh of relief. Only a dream….just a dream…I kept chanting to myself.

  I ran to my window, pressing my nose against it. It was freezing in my room, for being the end of April. In my shorts and tank top with the fan, air conditioning going, and windows open, I feared my toes would fall off.

  But, just as I thought, that old white Ford sat by my driveway, disturbing the lover trees. He was early. He wasn’t s’posed to be here until after I left for school.

  I ran back to my bed, glancing at the little blue clock on my nightstand. The numbers 10: 15 screamed back at me in those annoying red lights.

  “SHIT!” I screamed, running into the bathroom, squirting way too much toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushing vigorously.

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