Dumped on the Ass

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    "I can't believe I let you talk me into this," I growled through a yawn.

  "Quite bitching. If you really didn't wanna go, you wouldn't."

  Not helping a smile, I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

  Truth be told, I was just pissed I wasn't wearing any makeup but my leftovers from yesterday-and that was almost worse than none at all. I got lazy and didn't wash my face. Ha! What? It happens...occasionally. Okay, yeah, so I took my great skin for granted. It was the one thing I never realized until someone pointed out.

  Enough talk of my skin. My hair was unbrushed and in a tangled bun with a random baseball cap-that I didn't even knew I had-and I was wearing my baggy Three Days Grace shirt that I wore to bed. At least he had the courtesy to let me put on some jeans and brush my teeth; but just barely.

  I yawned loudly. We were going up the hill at an agonizingly slow pace; apparently Reesey and Lefroy weren't quite awake, either. Already, though, Lefroy was being an asshole. He gave Liam trouble while he was saddling him up and was bunny hopping as soon as he got in the saddle. To make matters worse, he'd been a bad influence on Reesey, who then proceeded to bunny hop along with him. We got them settled down, though, before we tackled the trail.

  My property was really hilly and was covered in trees. However, with the help of others, Liam made a trail path that he "knew by heart". It wasn't that I didn't trust Liam, but rather I found it kinda impossible to know forty-three acres by heart.

  "You do this every morning?" I asked.

  "Pretty much."

  Thank God he wasn't wearing a cowboy hat. I'd only seen him with the dusty, worn black thing a few times. Liam didn't let you forget, for one second, he was all cowboy. But I sure was glad he reframed from that damn hat. I never thought I'd prefer his ratty baseball caps so much.

  "Ah, the joys of being outta school," I sighed.

  "Thank you, Piper," Liam snorted. "You make me sound like such a slacker."

  "Really? And I tried so hard not to."

  He just shook his head, his silent 'Piper's insane' gesture.

  Suddenly something shot out from behind the thicket of trees. I didn't realize what it was-a stupid deer!-until after what happened. As soon as that damn deer darted out, Lefroy gave no warning in rearing up, turning on his back feet, and charging down the hill-without Liam. He'd been shouting at that damn horse to whoa, to easy, to stand, anything to get that damn horse not to wig out. Guess it hadn't worked.

  I would have laughed-he was okay-had the same thing not happened to me.....only without the shouts of commands. While I was so worried about Liam and Lefroy, I didn't realize my own horse was wigging out-whether because of the deer or Lefroy, I didn't know-and she reared and took off after him. I half jumped half fell off the saddle.

  I just sat on my stinging ass for a minute, dazed. That was about the time I realized a deer had popped out. Damn deer. Made me wonder why I was a vegetarian in the first place. Ugh.

  It wasn't until Liam asked me-quite worriedly-if I was okay that I started laughing hysterically. He was quick to follow suite as it all caught up with us. It was more believable that I had fallen off, but Liam?

  "My dreams just shattered, they're over," I laughed. "You're not perfect anymore."

  Liam's face was covered in dirt, but he looked so adorable, laughing with his hat somewhere across the ground and his hair sticking up with leaves in it. "Nice! I make one mistake an I'm not Superman anymore."

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