Chapter 15

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When you woke up this morning, you didn't foresee the day being terrific and uncomfortable simultaneously. There was something that made me uncomfortable and that is Neytiri, you and her are still not best friends with each other. After the whole fallout that happened with spider and she was not on good terms with ronal, due to her behavior and actions toward you and your children.

Ronal " I can send that women away if makes you feel better"

Ronal " how can you stand that awful women after her actions towards you and your children in your own home"

Y/n " I have to be civil towards her as her kids are friends of spider and if I did anything I will be ruining the last few things he has of home"

Ronal " well you are better then me because I would started a fight"

Y/n " oh yes like that stand off you had with her when she and her family arrived"

Ronal " I was protect our families and the clan from trouble"

Y/n " I know I know"

Ronal " You have always been the level head and clam one out of us"

Y/n " you have been the strongest one and out spoken my sister"

Ronal " our parents will be proud of us"

Y/n " yes they will"

Mo'at " good morning"

Y/n and ronal " good morning"

Neytiri " ......."

Ronal " well come on lets get to work as in no time someone will be coming in here seek aid or help"

Mo'at " yes"
mo'at and neytiri soon took their in the healer hut while mo'at was with your sister at the momet you are with neytiri, the both of you were not saying anything to each other.

Neytiri " ......"

Mo'at " I thought kiri will be here with tsireya and tuk they seem interested in learning from y/n"

Healer " oh yes y/n is a good healer from what you have seen she helps teach some of the new healers"

Ronal " yes my daughter is big fan of her work"

Y/n " thank you all for the praise but I did see the children they seem to be rushing off somewhere wutee and tuk said they were going off, to hav some siblings and cousin fun day"

Ronal " that sounds like them always rushing off to only where we know or only eywa"

Y/n " well we were all children once and behave like that it good to let them explore and keep their flame of wonder going, until you need to step in and save them" all the women and nodded their heads agreeing with your statement as you stood there speaking with them. You had soon looked at neytiri from the corner of your eyes as it seems like she wish to speak with you about something,but it seems like she couldn't get the words out. You had decided to leave her be and hope she gets her words out if she wishes to speak with you.

Healer " all of your sons are growing up so well y/n the three little are growing up so fast"

Y/n " yes they are growing up so fast they are started to having the time where they are copying spider, aonung, and rotxo"

Ronal " oh I remembered last month they were following them around"

Y/n " yes it seems like they idolize their older brother and cousin, and they also seem to like neteyam and lo'ak as well"

Neteyam " they do"

Y/n " yes they do they also asking spider or your sons to tell them stoires about the forest or what their lives were like.... You have done good job rasing them and your girls eywa has blessed you wonderful"

Neytiti " thank you" neytiri had said noting else as you went back to your work there had been some patients that had come seeking help, from the thsiaks and healers. You had been able to help some of thoese who came by the healer hut seeking help and it was not busy which was a good sign in the end. You had went home later on that day to deal with some house hold matters and some other stuff you had though you were alone until, you felt someone was watching you.

Y/n " I know you are there neytiri how may I help you" you had soon stood up and looked at neytiri as she was standing by the entrance of your home.

Neytiri " I came to have some words with you"

Y/n " okay tell me what you will love to say neytiri but I want to warning you right now if you have anything to say against my children I will have to ask you to hold your words"

Neytiri " no I came here to do something and say something else"

Y/n " ........"

Neytiri " I'm sorry" you had looked at neytiri as she was making a apologize towards you or an apology to someone or something, you were going to giving her the benefit of the doubt and she what she will have to say to you.

Neytiri " I know my treatment against spider can't be forgive so easily, and I know I can't take back what happened in the past ... now I'm ashamed of myself for what I have done"

Y/n " ........"

Neytiri " I'm also sorry for the words and actions have done in you and your family, it was wrong of me to do that to you and the children"

Neytiri " I have seen my actions and words have greatly effected spider and my children, I know my hate for old humans that did me harm shouldn't have been passed down to spider... I have spoken with Jake and I'm came here to say I'm sorry and hope you will allow me to make admen's towards spider and your family ... as I wish for my kids to have spider back on their lives but I completely understand if spider doesn't wish to forgive me or wish to have me near, but I only wish for him to stay friends with my kids and live a good life from here on now"

Y/n " neytiri"

Neytiri " yes"

Y/n "I'm going to give you a chance but it only for the sake of the children, I will be civil toward you as you are here during a time of crisis... and if our relationship gets better we might become friends"

Neytiri " thank you"

Y/n " you most on your own make admen's with my son and your children, I can in force them to forgive you Neytiri as they are told enough to make their own decisions"

Neytiri " yes thank you I know it going to be hard but I will do my best"

Y/n " Neytiri take the words I'm about to say serious, you have a wonderful family don't let that go ... what happened to you is tragic and I'm sorry for your lost but don't let the horrible people from the past still have control over you"

Neytiri " yes thank you"

Y/n " now come sit with me and I will show you the way of my people, and we can talk as well and come to understanding together"

Neytiri " yes and thank you once again" neytiri soon sat down with you, as you had began some lessons with her. During that time you had been able to understand neytiri a bit more, but your relationship with her will still need some work.

Spider " mom we are back home ... ms sully" Spider and the other kids had walked into your home, and they were all shocked to see neytiri was in your family home.

Neteyam " mom what is going on"

Neytiri " I came here to have some words with y/n" the children expression soon become sad and worried, as the last time the two women were together in t didn't end well.

Y/n " there nothing to worry about we just had a conversation and I helped her with sons stuff, that all"

Loak " yes ma'am"

Neytiri " come on kids let's get home we should get a start on dinner, thank you once again y/n and I will take your words to advice"

Y/n " your welcome" the kids had many questions but they will need to be answered later, as ronal had called her children home. Spider and his brothers had dinner with you, but all the older children were confused about the word spoken t between the mothers. It seems like all will be figured out tomorrow as a day has come to end solving one solution or tension halfway while leaving the others yet to be solved.

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