Chapter One

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I slowly sat down in my office chair, the last twelve hours kept flashing through my head. I had to tell him! He was my best friend and he deserved to know. I tore my mind from my personal life and focused on the case.

I was surprised to see that a junior agent was one if the victims. Morgan trained young people that wanted to take on the field when they were older. He was good at it, and he loved kids. He talked about Sarah a lot, he said she a lot of potential. He said she was on her way to be a special case like Reid, joining the Bureau early. I met her once, she was really sweet, and tough as nails

My mind wandered back to yesterday, I was going to tell him. It was now or never.


I walked into his office and shut the door. "Derek, we need to talk." I said looking him in the eye.

"What about?" He asked.

I wrung my hands, "You know I love you, and I only do things that I think are the absolute best for you, right?"

"I don't like where this is going."

I sighed and took a step towards him, "Savannah's cheating on you."

His eyebrows shot up. "What?"

"Derek, a friend of mine from before my hacker days had a heart attack. I went to visit him and his wife. When I walked into the hospital, Savannah was kissing a man. I hid from her, I didn't want her to know that I saw her."

"When did this happen?" Morgan whispered.

"Yesterday, I would have told you sooner, but I wanted to have solid proof-"

"Penelope, I believe you, you wouldn't make something like that up."

"Of course not! But I needed proof, Savannah was my friend too! Obviously, you wont like what I found, but I went through her phone records and the man she's seeing, his name is Peter, Peter Lee."

Morgan looked at me, "Thank you Penelope, I know that was hard for you." He took a step towards me and wrapped me in a hug.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, "Hotch needs us at the round table." I whispered.

"I need to talk to Savannah." He said.

"Are you sure?"

"Penelope, she's cheating on me. I have to talk to her."

I stopped by my office and grabbed my laptop. As walked into the room, Morgan walked in from Hotch's office and sat beside me.
Morgan leaned over, "I've arranged to visit Savannah this afternoon. Hotch knows, he said it was fine." He whispered.

"You told Hotch?" I whispered.

"Not everything, just that I need to stay in Quantico, and work some things out." He gave me a funny look. "I'm having a hard time processing this."

I touched his arm, "Ugh, I'm so sorry."

JJ stood up,
"Seven days ago, in South Carolina, Sarah Moore was taken in broad daylight. She was riding her bike home after school and never made it there."

"I can't believe her parents would let her ride her bike to school." I said, baffled.

"Sarah only lived a mile from her school." JJ said, "Her father said she had been riding her bike since sixth grade. He said she loved it."

"Do we have any idea who would have done this?" Rossi asked.

"Lots of kids walk to the corner store after school, one said there was a woman, in a truck. The truck was sitting close to where Sarah turned into her neighborhood. The kid had never seen him before so he stuck out." JJ replied.

"Sarah hasn't been found," Hotch said, "and if she is alive, we are dealing with a very rare type of unsub."

"I-uh- I hate to play the Devils Advocate, but what if we just haven't found the body?" Reid said. "The statistics-"

"We know the statistics," Morgan said, "I know Sarah, I've trained with her. She's good, if she gets the chance, she'll fight."

"I also hate to be Devil's Advocate, but if the unsub is insecure or even impotent, fighting might do her more harm than good." Prentiss said.

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